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Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

Title of Rules

These Rules shall be called " The ICFAI University,Tripura Students Conduct And Discipline Rules ".

Date of Commencement

These Rules shall come into force with immediate effect

Application of Rules

These Rules shall apply to all students of the University, even if they were admitted before the date of enforcement of these Rules.

Modification of Rules

These rules are subject to modification as may be considered necessary by the Disciplinary Committee.

  • The University seeks an environment that promotes academic achievement and integrity.
  • The Uiversity seeks a community that is free from violence, threats, and intimidation; that is respectful of the rights, opportunities, and welfare of students, faculty,staff, and guests of the University; and that does not threaten the physical or mental health or safety of members of the University community.
  • The University is dedicated to responsible stewardship of its resources and to protecting its property and resources from theft, damage, destruction, or misuse.
  • The University supports and is guided by state and federal law while also setting its own standards of conduct for its academic community.
  • The University is dedicated to the rational and orderly resolution of conflict.

Disciplinary offences will be taken to include the following

1. Scholastic Dishonesty:
Scholastic dishonesty means plagiarizing; cheating on assignments or examinations; engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic work; taking, acquiring, or using test materials without faculty permission; submitting false or incomplete records of academic achievement; acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain dishonestly grades, honors, awards, or professional endorsement; altering, forging, . or misusing a University academic record; or fabricating or falsifying data, research procedures, or data analysis.

2. Disruptive Classroom Conduct:
Disruptive classroom conduct means engaging in behavior that substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor's ability to teach or student learning.

3. Falsification:
Falsification means willfully providing University offices or officials with false, misleading, or incomplete information; forging or altering official University records or documents or conspiring with or inducing others to forge or alter University records or documents; misusing, altering, forging, falsifying, or transferring to another person University-issued identification; or intentionally making a false report of a bomb, fire, natural disaster, or other emergency to a University official or an emergency service agency.

4. Refusal to Identify and Comply:
Refusal to identify and comply means willfully refusing to or falsely identifying one's self or willfully failing to comply with a proper order or summons when requested by an authorized University official.

5. Attempts to Injure or Defraud:
Attempts to injure or defraud means making, forging, printing, reproducing, copying, or altering any record, document, writing, or identification used or maintained by the University when done with intent to injure, defraud, or misinform.

6. Threatening, Harassing, or Assaultive Conduct:
Threatening, harassing, or assaultive conduct means engaging in conduct that endangers or threatens to endanger the health, safety, or welfare of another person, on or off University premises.

7. Disorderly Conduct:
Disorderly conduct means engaging in conduct that incites or threatens to incite an assault or breach of the peace; breaching the peace; obstructing or disrupting teaching, research, administrative, or public service functions; or obstructing or disrupting disciplinary procedures or authorized Universit activities.

8. Illegal or Unauthorized Possession or Use of Weapons:
Illegal or unauthorized possession or use of weapons means possessing or using weapons or articles or substances usable as weapons, including, but not limited to, firearms, incendiary devices, explosives, and dangerous biological or chemical agents.

9. Illegal or Unauthorized Possession or Use of Drugs or Alcohol:
Illegal or unauthorized possession or use of drugs or alcohol means possessing or using drugs or alcohol.

10. Unauthorized Use of University Facilities and Services:
Unauthorized use of University facilities and services means wrongfully using University properties or facilities; misusing, altering, or damaging fire-fighting equipment, safety devices, or other emergency equipment or interfering with the performance of those specifically charged to carry out emergency services; or acting to obtain fraudulently-through deceit, unauthorized procedures, bad cheques, or misrepresentation-goods, quarters, services, or funds from University departments or student organizations or individuals acting in their behalf.

11. Theft, Property Damage, and Vandalism:
Theft, property damage, and vandalism include theft or embezzlement of, damage to, destruction of, unauthorized possession of, or wrongful sale or gift of property.

12. Unauthorized Access:
Unauthorized access means accessing without authorization University property, facilities, services, or information systems, or obtaining or providing to another person the means of such unauthorized access, including, but not limited to, using or providing without authorization keys, access cards, or access codes.

13. Disruptive Behavior:
Disruptive behavior means willfully disrupting University events; participating in a campus demonstration that disrupts the normal operations of the University and infringes on the rights of other individuals; leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled or normal activities of the University; engaging in intentional obstruction that interferes with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular, on campus; using sound amplification equipment on campus without authorization; or making or causing noise, regardless of the means, that disturbs authorized University activities or functions.

14. Rioting:
Rioting means engaging in, or inciting others to engage in, harmful or destructive behavior in the context of an assembly of persons disturbing the peace on campus, in areas proximate to campus, or in any location when the riot occurs in connection with, or in response to, a University-sponsored event. Rioting includes, but is not limited to, such conduct as using or threatening violence to others, damaging or destroying property, impeding or impairing fire or other emergency services, or refusing the direction of an authorized person.

15. Violation of University Rules:
Violation of University rules means engaging in conduct that violates University, collegiate, or departmental regulations that have been posted or publicized, including University policy on Ragging or Sexual Harassment.

16. Gambling:
Indulging in gambling on or off University premises.

16. Gambling:
Indulging in gambling on or off University premises.

17. Indulging in one or more of the above, on or off the University premises will constitute indiscipline.

The following penalties shall be imposed in case a student is found in violation of discipline

  • Being given an opportunity of being heard.
  • Observance of the Principles of Natural Justice.

Whenever a student is charged with an act of indiscipline the following process will be observed

  • A preliminary investigation will be conducted by the departmental authority.
  • The case will be referred to the Proctor who will decide if the violation is of a serious or minor nature.
  • In case the violation is of a minor nature, the Proctor will conduct an enquiry and decide on the quantum of punishment / penalty.

a. In case the violation is of a serious nature, the Proctor will refer the matter to the Disciplinary Committee which will take up the enquiry / hearing in the following manner:

b. Issue a show cause notice to the student specifying the charges, allow upto four days for response and conduct hearings on an expeditious basis.

c. The student will be required to present himself for the hearings. In case he / she chooses not to appear for the hearings, the hearings will proceed ex-parte.

d. The findings of the Disciplinary Committee will be forwarded to the Registrar for necessary action.

Every student charged with violating the code of conduct has the right to

  • Withholding scholarships or other benefits.
  • Debarring from representation of events.
  • Withholding results.
  • Expulsion from hostel / mess.
  • Debarring from examination/s.
  • Denied admission to any of the constituents.
  • Suspension from the constituent or class for a specified period.
  • Fine.
  • Public Apology.
  • Prosecuting for criminal offence.
  • Filing FIR with the local police.
  • Cancellation of admission / expulsion from the constituent / University.

A student can have one or more penalties imposed depending on the severity of the indiscipline.

Appeal with regards to any action taken against the accused at any level and / or against the punishment awarded under this policy by the Registrar , shall lie with the Vice Chancellor of the University , which should be filed within a period of two weeks from such an action or award of punishment. The decision of the Vice Chancellor shall be final.