Central Library
- The Central Library at The ICFAI University, Tripura serves as a cornerstone of academic resources and knowledge for our university community.
- It houses a vast collection of books, journals, and electronic databases to support research, teaching, and learning across all disciplines.
- Modern amenities and study spaces create an inviting environment conducive to both individual study and collaborative research.
- Knowledgeable librarians provide expert assistance, ensuring students and faculty can access and utilize information effectively.
- The Central Library is integral to promoting academic excellence and intellectual growth at The ICFAI University, Tripura.

Guidelines for Fair Use of e-Resources at ICFAI University Tripura : Usage Policy
- Electronic resources such as e-journals, e-databases, e-books made available by the Central Library, ICFAI University Tripura are for academic use.
- These resources can be searched, browsed and material may be downloaded and printed as single copies of articles as is done in the case of printed library material. Downloading or printing of a complete book or an entire issue or a volume of one or more journals (called systematic downloading) is strictly prohibited.
- Use of robots, spiders or intelligent agents to access, search and/or systematically download from these resources is also prohibited. Any violation of this policy will result in penal action as per the rules and regulations of the Institute.
- Please be aware that systematic downloading will cause the publisher to block to the entire community of users at ICFAI University Tripura from accessing these resources.
The e-SHODHSINDHU subscribes to thousands of electronic journals and bibliographic databases for use by authorized users in member institutions. The terms and conditions for using these resources are spelled out in electronic resource license agreements with each publisher. It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the use of electronic resources does not breach the terms and conditions specified in the license agreements. Licenses vary from publisher to publisher; however, the general principles are as follows:
Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving a copy of search results
- Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving individual articles
- Using e-resources for scholarly, educational or scientific research, teaching, private study and clinical purposes
- Sending a copy of an article to another authorized user (i.e. current faculty, students or staff)
- Posting the URL to the publisher's version of the article on a class website (publisher links will allow only authorized users access)
Not Permitted
- Use of robots or intelligent agents to do systematic, bulk or automatic downloading is not permitted
- Systematic downloading or printing of entire journal issues or volumes, or large portions of other e-resources is not permitted
- Using e-resources for commercial gain is not permitted (i.e. reselling, redistributing or republishing licensed content)
- Transmitting, disseminating or otherwise making online content available to unauthorized users (i.e. sending to mailing lists or electronic bulletin boards) is not permitted
- Posting the publisher's version or PDF of an article to an open class website is not permitted (instead, post the URL to the article which will allow only authorized users access)
Breaches of the license agreement with publishers could result in the suspension of access to the resources for the member institutions.
(Access through ICFAI IP address) -
(Access through ICFAI IP address) -
(Access through ICFAI IP address) -
(Access through ICFAI IP address) -
(Access through ICFAI IP address)
SWAYAM: Massive Open Online Courses
https://swayam.gov.in/ -
SWAYAMPRABHA: View Digital Courses on TV
https://swayamprabha.gov.in/ -
e-Acharya (INFLIBNET Gandhinagar)
https://theindianlibrarian.blogspot.com/search/label/Audio%20Books -
https://egyankosh.ac.in/ -
e-PG Pathshala (INFLIBNET Gandhinagar)
https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/ -
e-ShodhSindhu (e-SS)
https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/ -
e-Yantra: Engineering for better Tomorrow
https://www.e-yantra.org/ -
Virtual Labs: Web-enabled experiements designed for remote operation
https://www.vlab.co.in/ -
FOSSEE: Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education
https://fossee.in/ -
Spoken Tutorial: Tutorial in IT Application
https://spoken-tutorial.org/ -
National Digital Library of India (NDLI)
https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ -
Shodhganga: A reservoir of Indian Theses
NPTEL Video Lectures
https://nptel.ac.in/ -
https://www.codecademy.com/ -
Free Lecture videos
freevideolectures.com -
Harvard Open Courseware
https://pll.harvard.edu/catalog/free - MIT Open Courseware and other Learning Resources (OCW) https://ocw.mit.edu/collections/mit-open-learning-library/
Open Yale Courses
https://oyc.yale.edu/ -
Oxford Mathematics Open Courseware and other Learning Resources
https://courses.maths.ox.ac.uk/ -
Video Lecture
https://videolectures.net/ -
Shodh Shudhhi (PDS): Plagiarism Detection Software
https://shodhshuddhi.inflibnet.ac.in/ -
IRINS: Research Information Management System
https://irins.org/irins/index -
India Data Portal
Subscribed Resources
Databases Accessed through MOU
- E-Sodhsindhu
- ShodhGanga (Reservoir of Theses)
- ShodhGangotri (Research in Progress)
- SAA (South Asian Archives)
- WEL (World e-Book Library)
Digital Library
- Consortium for Educational Communication
- National Digital Library of India
- National Science Digital Library (NSDL)
- Open Access Library (OLA)
- The British Library
- UNESCO Library
- Virtual Library
- World Digital Library
E-Learning Resources
- E GyanKosh (IGNOU)
- EPG Pathshala
- Khan Academy
- NPTEL E-learning Resources
Open Access Journals
- Brill Open E-Journals Collection
- Cambridge University Press: Open Access
- Cogent OA
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- ElSEVIER (Open Access)
- Free scholarly electronic journals: an annotated webliography
- Hindawi - Open Access Journals
- JSTOR (Open Access)
- Nature Publishing Group - Open Access Journals
- OMICS Publishing Group - Open Access Journals
- Open Access Library (OALIB) - Free Access to 263,388 Academic Articles
- Open Science Directory - Developed by EBSCO and the Hasselt University
- Palgrave Macmillan - Open Access Journals
- ScienceDirect (Open Access) https://www.sciencedirect.com/browse/journals-and-books?accessType=openAccess&accessType=containsOpenAccess
- SPRINGER (Open Access)
- Taylor & Francis (Open Access)
- WILEY (Open Access)
Bio & Medical Sciences
- Public Library of Science - premier open-access journals in Biology and Medicine
- BMC, research in progress
- Bioline international
- Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
- European Scientific Co-operative on Phyto therapy Journal
- Nature Preceding - Preprint server for the Life Science community
- Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
- Nutrition Bytes
- Free Medical Journals
Physical Science
- PSIgate
- Directory of ABC Chemistry
- Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS)
- PhysNet
- International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
Rare Books
- Rare Book Society of India
https://app.grammarly.com/ -
https://quillbot.com/ -
https://www.zotero.org/ -
Rare Book Room
http://www.rarebookroom.org/ -
Project Gutenberg
https://www.gutenberg.org/ -
Open Library
https://openlibrary.org/ -
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
https://airccj.org/ -
Annales Geophysicae
https://www.annales-geophysicae.net/ -
Anthropoetics: The Journal Of Generative Anthropology
https://anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ -
Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics
https://www.atmospheric-chemistry-and-physics.net/ -
Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin
https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/CERB -
Communicating Astronomy With The Public
https://capconferences.org/ -
Estonian Journal Of Earth Sciences
https://kirj.ee -
Fibreculture Journal
https://fibreculturejournal.org/ -
Iaeng International Journal Of Applied Mathematics
https://www.iaeng.org/IJAM/current_issue.html -
International Electronic Journal Of Mathematics Education
https://www.iejme.com/ -
International Journal Of Design
http://www.ijdesign.org/index.php/IJDesign -
International Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology
https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ijest -
International Journal Of Internet Science
https://www.oalib.com/journal/5669/ -
Journal Of Geosciences
http://www.jgeosci.org/ -
Journal Of Industrial Engineering And Management
https://www.jiem.org/index.php/jiem -
Revista Letra Magna
https://ojs.ifsp.edu.br/ -
Sankhya: The Indian Journal Of Statistics
https://link.springer.com/ -
Science Publications
https://thescipub.com/ -
Semantics And Pragmatics
https://semprag.org/ -
Silpakorn University Science And Technology Journal
http://www.journal.su.ac.th/ -
The Arkeotek Journal
http://www.thearkeotekjournal.org/ -
The International Journal Of The Creative Arts In Interdisciplinary Practicethe Journal Of Religion And Film
Theological Librarianship
https://serials.atla.com/ -
Brill Open E-Journals Collection
https://brill.com/ -
Cambridge University Press: Open Access
https://www.openaccess.cam.ac.uk/ -
Cogent OA
https://www.tandfonline.com/ -
Directory of Open Access Journals
https://doaj.org/ -
Free scholarly electronic journals: an annotated webliography
http://www.istl.org/ -
https://www.oalib.com/ -
ScienceDirect (Open Access)
https://www.sciencedirect.com/ -
JSTOR (Open Access)
https://www.jstor.org/ -
https://karger.com/pages/open-access -
https://www.ub.lu.se/en/publish/open-access -
Nature Publishing Group - Open Access Journals
https://www.springernature.com/gp/open-science/journals-books/journals -
OMICS Publishing Group - Open Access Journals
https://www.omicsgroup.org/ -
https://ncert.nic.in/ -
Open Access Library (OALIB) - Free Access to 263,388 Academic Articles
https://www.oalib.com/ -
Palgrave Macmillan - Open Access Journals
https://www.palgrave.com/ -
Science Direct
https://www.sciencedirect.com/browse/journals-and-books?accessType=openAccess&accessType=containsOpenAccess -
https://www.scienceopen.com/ -
SPRINGER (Open Access)
https://link.springer.com/ -
Taylor & Francis (Open Access)
https://www.taylorfrancis.com/search?openAccess=true -
https://www.thieme.com/ -
WILEY (Open Access)
SL. No. |
List of Journal |
1 |
English Studies (IUP) |
2 |
Computer Science (IUP) |
3 |
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (IUP) |
4 |
Information Technology (IUP) |
5 |
Mechanical Engineering (IUP) |
6 |
Structural Engineering (IUP) |
7 |
Telecommunications (IUP) |
8 |
Applied Economics (IUP) |
9 |
Applied Finance (IUP) |
10 |
Business Strategy (IUP) |
11 |
Business Management (IUP) |
12 |
Bank Management (IUP) |
13 |
Case Folio (IUP) |
14 |
Corporate Governance (IUP) |
15 |
Entrepreneurship Development (IUP) |
16 |
Effective Executive (IUP) |
17 |
Financial Risk Management (IUP) |
18 |
Accounting Research & Audit Practice (IUP) |
19 |
International Relations (IUP) |
20 |
Knowledge Management (IUP) |
21 |
Management Research (IUP) |
22 |
Marketing Management (IUP) |
23 |
Operation Management (IUP) |
24 |
Organizational Behavior (IUP) |
25 |
Soft Skills (IUP) |
26 |
Supply Chain Management (IUP) |
27 |
Brand Management (IUP) |
28 |
Law Review (IUP) |
29 |
Indian Journal of Social Research |
30 |
Supreme Court Cases Weekly |
31 |
University News |
32 |
All India Reporter |
33 |
Criminal Law |
34 |
Corporate Law Adviser |
35 |
Indian Bar Review |
36 |
The Chartered Accountant |
37 |
The Microfinance Review |
38 |
South Asian Journal of Management |
39 |
Indian Journal of Marketing |
40 |
The Management Accountant |
41 |
Indian Journal Finance |
42 |
Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics |
43 |
Rajagiri Journal of Social Sciences |
44 |
International Journal of Community Health Nursing |
45 |
Journal of Fundamental in Nursing Research |
46 |
Nursing :International Journal of Nursing Education & Practice |
47 |
Indian Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing |
48 |
Indian Journal of Nursing Science |
49 |
Economic & Political Weekly |
50 |
Current Science |
51 |
Yojona |
52 |
Kurukshetra |
53 |
The Indian Association of Physics Teachers |
54 |
RESONANCE - Journal of Science Education |
55 |
Journal of the Indian Mathematical |
56 |
Pearl- A Journal of Library & Information Science |
57 |
Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology |
58 |
International Journal of Disability Studies |
59 |
Disabilities & Impairments |
60 |
Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health |
61 |
Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology |
62 |
Journal of Community Guidance & Research |
63 |
Bhartiya Adhunik Siksha |
64 |
Journal of Indian Education |
65 |
Journal of All India Association for Educational Research |
66 |
International Journal of Health Physical Education and Computer Science in Sports |
67 |
Yoga Mimamsa |
68 |
Quest in Education |
69 |
Prathamik Shikshak |
70 |
School Science |
71 |
The Primary Teacher |
72 |
Indian Educational Review |
73 |
The Economist |
SL. No. |
List of Magazine |
1 |
Agriculture Today |
2 |
Business Today |
3 |
Digit |
4 |
Corporate India |
5 |
Edutracks |
6 |
Electronics for You |
7 |
Electronics Bazar |
8 |
Frontline |
9 |
Express Computer |
10 |
Harvard Business Review |
11 |
India Today |
12 |
Indian Farming |
13 |
Indian Horticulture |
14 |
Open Source |
15 |
Loka Swasthya Sambad |
16 |
Outlook |
17 |
Outlook Business |
18 |
Outlook Traveller |
19 |
PC Quest |
20 |
Portfolio Organizer |
21 |
Pratiyogta Drapan |
22 |
Practical Lawer |
23 |
Reader's Digest |
24 |
The Global Analyst |
25 |
The Week |
26 |
Voice Data |
27 |
Competition in Focus Current Affairs.Com |
28 |
Education Asia |
29 |
Competition Success Review |
30 |
Shaastra |
31 |
HRM Review (IUP) |
32 |
Marketing Mastermind (IUP) |
33 |
Treasury Management (IUP) |
SL. No. |
List of Newspapers |
1 |
Danik Sambad |
2 |
Syandan Patrika |
3 |
Ajker Fariad |
4 |
Pratibadi Kalam |
5 |
Tripura Times |
6 |
Tripura Observer |
7 |
North East Colors |
8 |
The Times of India |
9 |
The Telegraph |
10 |
The Hindu |
11 |
Business Line |
12 |
Financial Express |
13 |
Employment News |
- The Central Library, ICFAI University has been established in 2004 along with the establishment of the university and sifted to present building in December 2018.
- The magnificent, functionally convenient building built at heart place of the university campus. It occupies built up area of 12938.68 square fit with a seating capacity of 300 and equipped with tools to facilitate disabled users.
- The library caters the needs of the students, teachers and research scholars of the university. It not only helps in supporting the classroom instructional programmes of the University, but also unfolds the horizon of knowledge in regard to the different research programmes carried out by the university.
- The library housed text books, derivative books, reference books, newspapers, magazines, and audio-visual documents, etc.
- The Library organised books and other information resources applying DDC Classification Scheme 22nd edition.
- The library is available with Photocopy Services, Current Awareness Services (New Arrivals Services and Current Content Services) Newspaper Clipping Service, Newspaper Editorial Services.
- The Library also provides online access of e-journals through EBSCO, JSTOR, DELNET, IEI and South Asia archives.
- Library users can access online database for e-book, e-Journals and other useful and research-oriented e-resources from any terminal within the university campus.
- Total No. of Books: 53097 (recorded need create as on date)
Library Layout
The Central Library of the university has been housed in four floor dedicated building:
Top Floor
The floor has collection on Library Science (020), Psychology (150), Political Science (320), Economics (330), Law (340), Language (400), Management (650) and Literature (800).
Ground Floor
The floor has Main entry, Circulation Section, Photocopy Section Reserve and Reference book Section, Periodical Section, IUT News Editorial, and Computer for OPAC search.
Basement One
The Basement has been housed with collection on Computer and Data processing (000), Pure Science (500), Medical Science (610), Engineering (680), and Back Volume Section.
Basement Two
The Basement has collection on Research Methodology (001.42), Psychology (100), Education (370), Sports (700) History & Geography (900), and Project Report Section, E-Zone, Book Bank Section.
Library Hours
Monday - Friday
Day Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Monday - Sunday
Evening Time: 6:00 pm to 9:45 pm
Contact Me
Mr. Suman Dey
Assistant Librarian
Email: librarian@iutripura.edu.in
Mobile No.: 8837090670
Library Membership
The Library Membership is automatically conferred to all the Students, research scholars and faculty members on his / her joining the university and remains valid for his/ her full tenure.
At Library Gate
- Entry in Library premises is allowed only after verifying the Identity Card given by the university.
- A member must enter his / her name, time of entry and time of exit and put his / her signatures legibly in the register kept at the entrance for the purpose as a token of his acceptance to abide by the library rules.
- The articles that may cause undue inconvenience to other members are strictly prohibited inside the premises of the library such as umbrella, briefcases, boxes and such other articles.
- These may be kept outside in the pigeon-holes/ property counter by members at their own risk.
- Library shall not be responsible for any loss or damages of the personal belongings of the user.
- On Leaving the library all users are required to produce for inspection of all books and items taken out of the library.
Inside Library
- All users must maintain a peaceful environment of study within and around the Library.
- Talking, eating, smoking, using a mobile phone or sleeping is strictly prohibited.
- Kindly keep your Mobile phones in ‘SILENT MODE’.
- The library users should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library materials in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged with the full replacement cost of damaged material leading to suspension of library account and be barred from entering the library.
- All users are advised not to re-shelves the books by themselves.
- All users must vacate the library premises before 30 minutes of closing time of the library to ensure the closing of library in time.
- The library staffs on duty have the right to request to the users to leave the premises if he/ she is found to be violating any of the Library rules.
Loan Privilege
- Reading materials may be used within library premises or borrowed for external use.
- Member should produce his/her ID card for borrowing library documents.
- Magazines, Journals, Newspapers, Reference Materials and rare books are only for reading within the library.
- The borrowed documents must be returned by the member on or before the due date or earlier if demanded by the library.
- It is the sole right of the Library to issue or not issue or not re-issue any book. No document shall be returned on the day of issue.
- All issued books shall be returned on the 3rd or 15th day by students and 3rd day or 181th day by faculty from the date of issue. If the due date happens to be a Holiday the book shall be returned on the day the library re-opens; failing which the fine shall be charged for the entire period of holidays i.e. from due date onwards.

Care of Library Books
- Students are required to handle the books/ journals very carefully; marking with pencil, writing or highlighting, tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way shall be viewed very seriously. In such case the reader shall be held responsible.
- Borrowers are requested for safe and careful use of library documents and must ensure that the library documents borrowed by them are maintained in sound condition. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage of the document(s) and he / she may have to replace the same or pay the damage as per rules of the library.
- No user shall write, or make any mark upon, fold or damage any document of the Library if found doing so necessary action shall be taken as per rule.
Fine on Books
- In the case of loss / damage of a Library book, it has to be replaced by the latest edition of the same or double cost of the book must be paid. In the case of loss of a single part of a multi-volume publication, entire set will be recovered /replaced from the borrower.
- Non returning of books in time will lead to penalty of Rs. 5.00 per day.
- If any Student found default thrice, he/she will not be allowed to Issue any Book for same semester No Dues/ Clearance
- Users can collect their “No Dues/ Clearance” form their concerned department. “No Dues / Clearance” from the Library can be obtained after returning all borrowings and dues of library on the form.
Violation of Rule
- Any violation of Library Rules shall lead to forfeiture of the membership of the concerned member. Appropriate disciplinary action may also be imposed.
- The Librarian reverse the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or with any other member.
Guest Visitor
- Any Guest who want to visit to library needs to seek permission of Registrar/Librarian.
- The guest does not have right to barrow any item of Library.
- The guest is requested to write his/her feedback on Guest register available with security.
Note: These rules are subject to revision/updation from time to time without assigning any reason.
coming soon!