Seminars / Workshops
- Seminars and workshops at The ICFAI University, Tripura are pivotal platforms for knowledge exchange and professional development.
- Organized regularly across various disciplines, these events gather experts, scholars, and students to explore cutting-edge research, emerging trends, and practical applications.
- Led by esteemed faculty and guest speakers, seminars delve into critical topics, fostering lively discussions and collaborative learning.
- Workshops, meanwhile, offer hands-on training and skills enhancement, empowering participants to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges.
- Through these dynamic forums, our university cultivates a culture of continuous learning and innovation, preparing students and researchers to excel in their academic and professional pursuits.

S # | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs |
Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta, FMS | Seminar Session on Athiti Devo Bhava ' on 25.09.2018 For celebrating “Paryatan Parv” there has been a seminar on Athiti Devo Bhava fully sponsored by Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Ltd in association with ICFAI University Tripura. No. of Participates: 150 | ICFAI University Tripura |
2 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta, FMS | Industry Visit on dated 04/09/2018, 12/09/2018, 20/09/2018, 24/09/2018 and 28/09/2018. Students of BBA First Year -First Semester Section A, BBA First Year-First Semester Section B, BBA 2ND Year Sec-A, BBA 2ND Year Sec-B and BBA 3RD Year visited Pran Beverages Pvt. Ltd's plant at Bodjungnagar Agartala and Agartala Plastic Pvt. Ltd (RFL Group) on 04/09/2018, 12/09/2018, 20/09/2018, 24/09/2018 and 28/09/2018. The Industry Visit took place in five different phases. Total number of student visited was 230. These visits were accompanied by Prof. Arindam Sinha, Prof. Tathagata Dasgupta and Dr. Debanjan Nag. | ICFAI University Tripura |
3 | Dr. Gokul Acherjee and Dr. Dhananjoy Datta, FMS |
Field Visit at Daldali LAMPS Simna on dated 14.9.2018. MBA Rural Management (2018-19) Second year students visited to Daldali LAMPS Simna to get exposure about the Self help groups and working dynamics of the Cooperative society. |
ICFAI University Tripura |
4 | Dr. Sujit Deb | Attended the Conference in Bangladesh. | Dhaka University on 9 & 10 th Oct. 2018 |
5 | Dr. Niharika Singh | 3rd Panpacific Intenational Research Conference | Pan Pacific Universty, 13th November, 2018. |
6 | Prof. Sujoy Hazari | Workshops on “Use of Foldscope” |
College of Agriculture, Tripura, Lembucherra, 13th November, 2018. |
7 | Dr Prasanjit Dasgupta | Held Technical Chair in National Seminar on Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development (Social Science Perspective) | Ishwar Chandra Mahavidyalay/Belonia/18.11.2018 |
8 | Prof. Ambarish Deb | Presented a paper on the title “Government Policies on Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development in Asian Continent with Special reference to Developing Economies” at a National seminar on the theme Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development | Organised by Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar College, Belonia, South Tripura in collaboration with ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd. (OTPC), Palatana on 19th and 20th November 2018 |
Sl No. | Name | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs | Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee |
Invited and participated as Panelist in, North East Accelerator Program (NEAP) organized by IIM Kolkata Innovation Park, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and Ennovent, 20th January 2018. | IIM Kolkata Innovation Park, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and Ennovent, 20th January 2018. |
2 | Organized in association with Assam University, 2 day workshop on Indian Financial Market for MBA students by Karvy Stock Broking. | Karvy Stock Broking and Assam University, 8th – 9th January 2018 at Silchar. | |
3 | Organized and coordinated Pool Campus Drive for MBA 2nd Year Students by Karvy Stock Broking. | Karvy Stock Broking at Assam University, Sichar, 10th – 11th January 2018. | |
4 | Organized and Coordinated Campus Drive by DS Datamatics on 05.02.2018. | ICFAI University Tripura, Kamalghat, 05.02.2018 | |
5 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee |
Organized and Coordinated placement Drive by Spice Jet on 19.02.2018 and 26.02.2018. 12 MBA 2nd Year students participated. | FMS, ICFAI University Tripura and Spice Jet at Agartala Airport on 19.02.2018 and 26.02.2018. |
6 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | Industry Visit by Our MBA 1st year students On 07 - 02 - 2018 (Wednesday) | Mr. Anjanabha Majumdar, Assistant General Manager, Pran Beverage (India) Pvt. Ltd, Tripura. |
7 | Dr B K Mukhopadhyay | Interface with karnataka Govt officials, labour and plng deptt | Karnataka Govt |
8 | Dr. Annesha saha | Two days National seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education. An Awareness Program on NAAC.” | Organized by IFHE, Hyderabad 27-28 February, 2018 |
9 | Dr. Debabrata Lahari | Two days National seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education. An Awareness Program on NAAC.” | Organized by IFHE, Hyderabad 27-28 February, 2018 |
10 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | Guest speakers (Industry resource person) Session on topic, “Retail Banking: Paradigm Shift” by Senior Manager and Assistant manager, IDFC Bank, Agartala, Tripura. | FMS, Auditorium (Ground Floor), ICFAI University, Tripura on dated 07-03-2018 and Total participants was more then 100 |
11 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee |
A Study on the Effectiveness of Carbon Credits in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission | National Seminar on the Dynamics of Environment & its impact on Politics: An Interdisciplinary dialogue, Holy Cross College, Agartala, 23rd to 24th March 2018. |
12 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | Organized and Coordinated placement Drive by ILS Hospitals Agartala on 21.03.2018 and 31.03.2018. 16 MBA and MBA Rural Management students participated. | FMS, ICFAI University Tripura and ILS Hospitals, Agartala on 21.03.2018 and 31.03.2018 at ILS Hospitals. |
13 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee |
Coordinated Corporate Interaction with Ginger Hotels 19.03.2018. | Training & Placement Department on 19.03.2018 at the ICFAI University Tripura. |
14 | Prof. Soumen Mukherjee |
Innovative Health financing mechanism for affordable healthcare delivery. Paper had selected as first paper | Department of Healthcare Management Jamia University ,Delhi, 14th January 2018 |
15 | Prof. Soumen Mukherjee |
International Conference on Current scenario in Pharmaceutical technology and Healthcare : A move towards patient-centric approach at Kolkata Paper stood Second | Department of Healthcare Management NSHM Kolkata on 9th -10th March |
16 | Prof. Jayanta Chakraborti |
Dynamics of Environment | Holy Cross College, Agartala, 23rd& 24th March |
17 | Prof. Mamoni kalita | Seminar on peoples education programme | ICFAI university in collaboration with KVIC |
18 | Dr. Sameer Shekhar |
Participated in “2 nd International Conference on Management & Business Practices” and presented paper on “Financial Incentives for Export Promotion in India” | Participated in “2 nd International Conference on Management & Business Practices” and presented paper on “Financial Incentives for Export Promotion in India” |
19 | Dr. Debanjan Nag | International Conference on Current Scenario in Pharmaceutical Technology & Healthcare: A Move towards Patient-Centric Approach | NSHM College of Pharmaceutical Technology & Department of Healthcare Management NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata- Group of Institutions |
20 | Prof. Tathagata Dasgupta |
Conducted Spoken Tutorial Training of IIT Bombay for BBA 2nd Year students. | Hosted by ICFAI University Tripura at Agartala, Tripura on 27/03/2018. |
21 | Dr Bibhu Prasad Panda | Attended Conference as Technical session Rapporteur | MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./4th to 6th January 2018 |
22 | Dr Sucheta Bhattacharjee |
Attended Conference as Technical session Rapporteur | MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./4th to 6th January 2018 |
23 | Dr Bibhu Prasad Panda | Attended Conference as Technical session Rapporteur | MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./ 16th- 17th March 2018 |
24 | Dr Sucheta Bhattacharjee |
Attended Conference as Technical session Rapporteur | MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./ 16th- 17th March 2018 |
25 | Ms. Sumasri Sinha, MLISC 16ATLS005 | Paper presented in the conference | MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./4th to 6th January 2018 |
26 | Ms. Debamita Karmakar, MLISC 16ALTS001 | Paper presented in the conference | MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./4th to 6th January 2018 |
27 | Dr Bibhu Prasad Panda | Preventing Plagiarism By Dr Bibhu Prasad Panda and Dr Rama Krushna Charan Patro Paper Presented at the National Conference on Copyrights Patent and Plagiarism: Threat or Opportunity for Academia and Publishing Industry | Jointly Organised by J K Business School, Gurgaon &The Society for Social Development and Peoples Action, New DelhiVenue J K Business School Gurugram - 122102 (Haryana) Date:30.03.2018. |
28 | Dr Bibhu Prasad Panda | Plagiarism: Recycling Text or Cheating by Dr Bibhu Prasad Panda Paper Submitted to the National Conference on “Research Trends in Library & Information Science: Issues and Challenges in Digital Environment” | Department of Library and Information Science, Maharaja Bir Bikram University Agartala, Tripura Sponsored by Indian Council of Social ScienceResearch (ICSSR) North-East Regional Centre 16th- 17th March 2018 |
29 | Dr Sucheta Bhattacharjee | Confusion regarding Fair Use of Materials in the Classroom: Dos and Don’ts!!! By Dr. Sucheta Bhattacharjee and Dr. Sudip Bhattacharjee Paper Presented at the National Conference on “Research Trends in Library & Information Science: Issues and Challenges in Digital Environment” | Department of Library and Information Science, Maharaja Bir Bikram University Agartala, Tripura Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) North-East Regional Centre 16th- 17th March 2018 |
30 | Dr Sucheta Bhattacharjee | Changing Sources of Information among the Farmer of North Tripura District by Sripada Das and Dr. Sucheta Bhattacharjee Paper submitted to National Conference on “Research Trends in Library & Information Science: Issues and Challenges in Digital Environment” | Department of Library and Information Science, Maharaja Bir Bikram University Agartala, Tripura Sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) North-East Regional Centre 16th- 17th March 2018 |
31 | Dr. Annesha Saha | National Seminar on Health Care Financing | The ICFAI University Tripura on 20th March 2018 |
32 | Dr. Annesha Saha | National Seminar on “Role of NGO’s in Tribal Areas in Tripura”. Paper presented entitles “Role of NGOs in Improving Tribal Livelihood in Tripura with special reference to skill development programmes. | Holy Cross College, Agartala, 24th-25th Jan, 2018 |
33 | Dr B K Mukhopadhyay | Entrepreneurship | Rubber Board, Bangalore, Jan 2018 |
34 | Khadi &Village Industries | Host / Kvicacs | |
35 | Kvic & Village Industries | Host | |
36 | Interface With Karnataka Govt Officials [Bangaluru] | Bangaluru 17-03-2018 | |
37 | Entrepreneurship Development | Rubber Board Feb, 2018 | |
38 | Dr B K Mukhopadhyay | Interactive session on HRM practices in the 21st Century dimensions & gap. | Icfai University, Tripura |
39 | Dr B K Mukhopadhyay | Seminar On Entrepreneurship | Gauhati Commerce College, Assam |
40 | Dr.Dhananjoy Datta | Tug of War Game (More then 60 students of different departments of IUT have participated. They learned about the motivitation, team work, goal setting etc.) | Dr.Dhananjoy Datta,FMS IUT Campus 23/04/2018 |
41 | Dr.Trinankur Dey | Participated as a club member in Interactive Session on HRM Practices in the 21st century: Dimensions and Gaps | Dr.Debanjan Nag & HR Club, IUT central auditorium on 26th April 2018 |
42 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | Invited and attended “ Startup Tripura Conclave 2018” on 22nd April 2018 and “ Workshop on Startup Tripura” on 23rd April 2018 at Muktadhara Auditorium, Agartala. The Conclave boasted of resource persons like Dr. Suryanil Ghosh, Chairman of TotalStart, Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni, Co – founder of City Mandi, Mr. Deepak Daftari, CEO of e-siksha, Mr. Sanjeev Bikhchandani, Founder, and many more. | Invited and attended “ Startup Tripura Conclave 2018” on 22nd April 2018 and “ Workshop on Startup Tripura” on 23rd April 2018 at Muktadhara Auditorium, Agartala. The Conclave boasted of resource persons like Dr. Suryanil Ghosh, Chairman of TotalStart, Dr. Srinivas Padmanabhuni, Co – founder of City Mandi, Mr. Deepak Daftari, CEO of e-siksha, Mr. Sanjeev Bikhchandani, Founder, and many more. |
43 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | Invited as “Moderator” in Dept. of Management, Tripura Central University on 25.04.2018 and 26.04.2018. | Invited as “Moderator” in Dept. of Management, Tripura Central University on 25.04.2018 and 26.04.2018. |
44 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | Organized and coordinated Final Round of Campus Recruitment drive by ILS Hospitals for management students on 07.04.2018. 3 MBA students have been offered placement in administrative posts. | FMS, ICFAI University Tripura and ILS Hospitals, Agartala on 07.04.2018 at ILS Hospitals. |
45 |
Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee Dr. Trinankur Dey Dr. Trinankur Dey |
Organized and coordinated Campus Recruitment drive by Future Group (Big Bazaar) for management students on 30.04.2018. 18 management students participated. | FMS, ICFAI University Tripura and Future group on 30.04.2018 at the ICFAI University Tripura. |
46 | Organized and coordinated Recruitment drive by Bandhan Bank for management students on 03.05.2018. 16 management students participated. | FMS, ICFAI University Tripura and Bandhan Bank on 03.05.2018 at the Bandhan Bank, Bardowali Branch. | |
47 | 3 days workshop on Learning management system | ICFAI University | |
48 | Sent three alumni students for appearing an Interview conducted by Indigo airlines Agartala on 15th of May. | Interview has been conducted by Indigo airlines | |
49 | Prof. Tathagata Dasgupta | Learning Management System (LMS) Workshop. | Hosted by ICFAI University Tripura at Agartala, Tripura from 29/05/2018 to 31/05/2018. |
50 | Dr Bibhu Prasad Panda | Workshop on Capacity Building Programme on National Mission on Libraries for public library personnel, | Department of Library and Information Science & Central Library , Tripura Central University, held on 14.05.2018 |
51 | Prof. Ambarish Deb |
International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development- Growth, Prospects and Challenges in Globalized Era |
Faculty of Management and Commerce, ICFAI University Tripura 07th and 08th June 2018 |
52 | Prof. Tathagata Dasgupta | 14 BBA 2nd Year students appeared in LibreOffice Suite Writer Test (as part of Spoken Tutorial Training of IIT Bombay) and successfully passed the Test and all of them received Certificate from IIT Bombay. |
Hosted by ICFAI University Tripura at Agartala, Tripura on 29/06/2018. |
53 | Dr.Trinankur Dey (Convenor) |
International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development- Growth, Prospects and Challenges in Globalized Era |
FMS, University Ground floor Auditorium, 7th & 8th June |
54 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta |
International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development- Growth, Prospects and Challenges in Globalized Era |
Faculty of Management and Commerce, ICFAI University Tripura 07th and 08th June 2018 |
55 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | FDP on Teaching Learning system by Dr. Subasish Chatterjee | Hosted by ICFAI University Tripura at Agartala, Tripura on 26-28th June 2018 |
56 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | Attended Bee Keeping awareness program | Hosted by ICFAI University Tripura at Agartala, Tripura on 29.6.18 |
57 | Dr. Niharika Singh | A Review of Recent Literature on Tourism Entrepreneurship | ICFAI University, Tripura |
58 |
Prof. Soumen Mukherjee And Dr. Debanjan Nag |
An International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development: Growth, Prospect and Challenges in Globalized Era. | Faculty of Management Studies, The ICFAI University, Tripura from June 7-8, 2018. |
59 | Dr. Sujit Deb |
International Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development- Growth, Prospects and Challenges in Globalized Era |
FMS department, University Ground floor Auditorium, 7th & 8th June |
60 | Prof.Tathagata Dasgupta | Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology and Green Economy”. | Hosted by ICFAI University Tripura at Agartala, Tripura from 4th July, 2018 to 6th July, 2018. |
61 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | FDP on Research Methodology and Green Economy | ICFAI University, Tripura, Faculty of Management and Commerce 4th –6th July, 2018 |
62 | Dr.Trinankur Dey | 3 days FDP on Research Methodology and Green Economy | FMS/ FMS Floor/ 4th - 6th July 2018 |
63 | Dr. Sameer Shekhar | 3days Workshop on Research Methodology and Green Economy | Faculty of Management and Commerce, The ICFA University Tripura, 3-6 July 2018 |
64 | Prof. Jayanta Chakraborti | Digital Marketing 2.0 | JSTS New Delhi / New Delhi (Weminar) / 2nd August, 2018 |
65 | Prof. Jayanta Chakraborti | Digital Economy 2.0 | Institute of Engineers India / Pandit Nehru Complex Agartala/ 11th August, 2018 |
Sl No. | Name | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs | Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | Attended International Case Study Conference, | IBS, Hyderabad05 to 07 October’2017. |
2 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | Attended “Paryatan Parv” a seminar on Athiti Devo Bhava | Sponsored by Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Ltd at ICFAI University Tripura 20th October’2017 . |
3 | Dr. Debabrata Lahiri, | Attended a seminar on Save the Water | Organiser Dishari; Venue: Gitanjali Guest House; Date: 28.10.2017. |
4 | Dr.Sujit Deb | attended International Case study Conference, | Organizer: IFHE Venue: Hyderabad Date: 5th oct’-7th oct’17. |
5 | Prof. Tathagata Dasgupta | Attended a Workshop on Entrepreneurship | Organized by joint collaboration of Carpe Diem and IIM Calcutta at ICFAI University Tripura, Agartala on 27th and 28th October, 2017. |
6 | Prof.Mamoni Kalita | Participated in the Workshop on Entrepreneurship | Organized by joint collaboration of Carpe Diem and IIM Calcutta at ICFAI University Tripura, Agartala on 27th and 28th October, 2017. |
7 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta Jt. Conveners | Visited TIPS as an External Examiner | Tripura Institute of Paramedical Sciences , Hapania, Amtali, Tripura (W) Date:21/06/2017. |
8 | Dr.Annesha Saha | Attended a Workshop on Entrepreneurship | Organized by joint collaboration of Carpe Diem and IIM Calcutta at ICFAI University Tripura, Agartala on 27th and 28th October, 2017. |
9 | Dr.Gokul Acharjee, | TOT on Program for RSDC trainees, | Organized by IUT, 14-16 Sept’17. |
10 | Dr.Trinankur Dey, | attended 2 days Workshop on Entrepreneurship | Co-ordinated the workshop on 27th & 28th oct’17. It was undertaken & Collaborated by Carpediem, IIM Kolkata. |
11 | Dr.BK Mukhopadhyay | Conference on Sustainable Agriculture / Livelihood | DISHARI, At Gitanjali Conference Room , Agaratala, Tripura |
12 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | Conducted Financial Education Workshop, as resource person of Security & Exchange Board of India on 07.10.2017 at IL&FS Skills Development Corporation Ltd sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under the aegis of Directorate of Skills, Government of Tripura. | IL&FS Skills Development Corporation Ltd, Barjala, 07.10.2017. |
13 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | Conducted Financial Education Workshop, as resource person of Security & Exchange Board of India on 07.10.2017 at Asha Holy Cross, IKYA Center 02, sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) under the aegis of Directorate of Skills, Government of Tripura. | Asha Holy Cross, IKYA Center 02, Lembuchera, 07.10.17 |
14 | Dr.Trinankur Dey | International Conference on Enabling Economic Development of North East India Through Linkage with South and South east Asia | ICFAI University Tripura |
15 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | International Case Study Conference | IBS, Hyderabad 05 to 07 October’2017 |
16 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | “Paryatan Parv” a seminar on Athiti Devo Bhava Sponsored by Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Ltd | ICFAI University Tripura 20th October’2017 |
17 | Dr. Debabrata Lahiri | Save the Water | Organiser: Dishari; Venue: Gitanjali Guest House; Date: 28.10.2017 |
18 | Prof.Sujit Deb |
International Case study Conference | Organizer: IFHE Venue: Hyderabad Date: 5th oct’-7th oct’17 |
19 | Prof. Tathagata Dasgupta | Workshop on Entrepreneurship. | Organized by joint collaboration of Carpe Diem and IIM Calcutta at ICFAI University Tripura, Agartala on 27th and 28th October, 2017. |
20 | Prof.Mamoni Kalita | Participated in the Workshop on Entrepreneurship. | Organized by joint collaboration of Carpe Diem and IIM Calcutta at ICFAI University Tripura, Agartala on 27th and 28th October, 2017. |
21 | Sudip Bhattacharjee | Roundtable on the North East Hydrocarbon Vision 2030. | Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Pragya Bhawan, Agartala, 30th November 2017. |
22 | Sudip Bhattacharjee | "Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software". | Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore and ICFAI University Tripura, 28th Nov.2017 |
23 | Dr.Annesha Saha | Three Days North East Program on Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software 28th-30th November, 2017 | ISI,SQC & OR Unit, Bangalore Jointly with FST, ICFAI |
24 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | "Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software". | Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore and ICFAI University Tripura, 28th Nov.2017 to 30th Nov.2017 at ICFAI University Tripura |
25 | Dr.Trinankur Dey | 3 days workshop on Advanced Data Analysis with R soft ware | FST, Nov. 28-30, IUT campus |
27 | Prof.Sujit Deb | "Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software". | Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore and ICFAI University Tripura, 28th Nov.2017 to 30th Nov.2017 at ICFAI University Tripura |
28 | Prof.Tathagata Dasgupta | "Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software". | Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore and ICFAI University Tripura, 28th Nov.2017 to 30th Nov.2017 at ICFAI University Tripura |
29 | Dr.Debiprasad Sathpathy | "Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software". | Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore and ICFAI University Tripura, 28th Nov.2017 to 30th Nov.2017 at ICFAI University Tripura |
30 | Prof.Sankharaj Roy | "Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software". | Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore and ICFAI University Tripura, 28th Nov.2017 to 30th Nov.2017 at ICFAI University Tripura |
31 | Prof. Tathagata Dasgupta | 31 students of BBA 3rd year completed their training in LibreOffice Writer under my supervision as part of Spoken Tutorial Project being implemented by IIT Bombay on behalf of Govt. of India. | IIT Bombay and ICFAI University Tripura on 20/11/2017 and 22/11/2017 at ICFAI University Tripura Campus, Agartala. |
32 | Prof. Tathagata Dasgupta | Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software. | Indian Statistical Institute, SQC & OR Unit, Bangalore and Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University Tripura, Agartala at ICFAI University Tripura Campus, Agartala from 28/11/2017 to 30/11/2017. |
33 | Prof. Jayanta Chakraborti | Advanced Data Analysis with R Programming | ISI Bangalore at IUT Campus, 28th to 30th November, 2017 |
34 | Prof. Mamoni Kalita | Advance data analyatic with R software | ISI Bangalore, ICFAI UNIVERSITY, TRIPURA |
35 | Dr Bibhu Prasad Panda | Conference as Technical session Rapporteur |
MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./4th to 6th January 2018 |
36 | Dr Sucheta Bhattacharjee | Conference as Technical session Rapporteur | MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./4th to 6th January 2018 |
37 | Miss Sumasri Sinha,MLISC 16ATLS005 | Paper presented in the conference | MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./4th to 6th January 2018 |
38 | Miss. Debamita Karmakar MLISC 16ALTS001 | Paper presented in the conference | MBB University ,Agartala / Dept. of Library & INF.Sc./4th to 6th January 2018 |
39 | Dr.Annesha Saha | National seminar on “Role of NGO’s in Tribal Areas in Tripura” and presented paper on “Role Of NGOs in Improving Tribal Livelihood in Tripura with special reference to skill development programmes”. | Holy Cross College sponsored by Ministry of Tribal Affair, Govt. of India on 24-25th Jan 2018. |
40 | Prof. Jayanta Chakraborti | Global Digital Marketing Summit | 8th to 10th December, 2017, Texila American University |
41 | Dr. Sameer Shekhar |
Participated in International Conference and presented paper on “Financial Incentives for Export Promotion in India”
Organised by the Department of Business and Management, Aliah University, Kolkata in Kolkata on 04-05 January 2018 |
42 | D.P. Satapathy | Work shop on Time Series by using E views | Assam University and TIES |
43 | Prof. Mamoni kalita | 38th annual conference of IASP | Andhra University 20th to 23 rd December 2017 |
44 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | Invited and attended the, “Roundtable on the North East Hydrocarbon Vision 2030”, on 30th November, 2017 at Pragya Bhawan, Agartala organized by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). | 30th November, 2017 at Pragya Bhawan, Agartala organized by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). |
45 | Invited and participated as Panelist in, North East Accelerator Program (NEAP) organized by IIM Kolkata Innovation Park, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and Ennovent, 20th January 2018. | IIM Kolkata Innovation Park, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and Ennovent, 20th January 2018. | |
46 | Organized in association with Assam University, 2 day workshop on Indian Financial Market for MBA students by Karvy Stock Broking. | Karvy Stock Broking and Assam University, 8th – 9th January 2018 at Silchar. | |
47 | Organized and coordinated Pool Campus Drive for MBA 2nd Year Students by Karvy Stock Broking. | Karvy Stock Broking at Assam University, Sichar, 10th – 11th January 2018. | |
48 | Organized and Coordinated Campus Drive by DS Datamatics on 05.02.2018. | ICFAI University Tripura, Kamalghat, 05.02.2018 | |
49 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | Organized and Coordinated placement Drive by Spice Jet on 19.02.2018 and 26.02.2018. 12 MBA 2nd Year students participated. | FMS, ICFAI University Tripura and Spice Jet at Agartala Airport on 19.02.2018 and 26.02.2018. |
50 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | Industry Visit by Our MBA 1st year students On 07 - 02 - 2018 (Wednesday) | Mr. Anjanabha Majumdar, Assistant General Manager, PranBeverage (India) Pvt. Ltd, Tripura. |
51 | Dr B K Mukhopadhyay | Interface with karnataka Govt officials, labour and plng deptt | Karnataka Govt |
52 | Dr. Annesha saha | Two days National seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education. An Awareness Program on NAAC.” | Organized by IFHE, Hyderabad 27-28 February, 2018 |
53 | Dr. Debabrata Lahari | Two days National seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education. An Awareness Program on NAAC.” | Organized by IFHE, Hyderabad 27-28 February, 2018 |
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper | Name of the Conference/Seminar/Workshop | Organized by Host/Venue/Date |
1 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | Intra-Departmental Product Concept Advertising Making Competition | Intra-Departmental Product Concept Advertising Making Competition | ICFAI University Tripura on April 11, 2016. |
2 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | onEmpowering Women to Lead Change’ | onEmpowering Women to Lead Change’ | 23rd and 24th June 2016 ICFAI University Tripura. |
3 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta in the international Seminar onEmpowering Women to Lead Change’. | presented a paper entitled “Public Service related to Health Care Service sector throughASHA or Accredited Social Health Activist: A Paradigm shift for Rural Women Empowermentin Tripura, India” | presented a paper entitled “Public Service related to Health Care Service sector throughASHA or Accredited Social Health Activist: A Paradigm shift for Rural Women Empowermentin Tripura, India” | Organized byICFAI University Tripura on 23rd and 24thJune 2016at IUT Campus. |
4 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta worked as a member of Organizing Committee in the | international Seminar on Women Empowerment through SHG in India’ | international Seminar on Women Empowerment through SHG in India | on the9th-10th February 2017 organized byICFAI University Tripura. |
5 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | presented a paper entitled “Women Empowerment through Health Care related Public Service Advertising Information Seeking in Tripura, India” in the international Seminar onWomen Empowerment through SHG in India’ | presented a paper entitled “Women Empowerment through Health Care related Public Service Advertising Information Seeking in Tripura, India” in the international Seminar onWomen Empowerment through SHG in India’ | on theFebruary 9-10, 2017organized byICFAI University Tripura. |
6 | Dr. Dhananjoy Datta | presented a paper entitled “Public Service Advertising related to Health Care Service Sector and Women’s Empowerment through Self Help Groups in Tripura, India: a Conceptual Framework” in the international Seminar onWomen Empowerment through SHG in India’ | Datta presented a paper entitled “Public Service Advertising related to Health Care Service Sector and Women’s Empowerment through Self Help Groups in Tripura, India: a Conceptual Framework” in the international Seminar onWomen Empowerment through SHG in India’ | on the9th-10th February 2017organized byICFAI University Tripura. |
7 | Dr. Annesha Saha | ICSSR sponsored International Seminar on “Empowering Women to lead Change” | Paper presented entitled “Role of Tripura Police Accountability Commission in Empowering Women” | ICFAI University, Tripura, on 23rd-24th June, 2016. |
8 | Dr. Annesha Saha | , paper presented on the topic “Empowering Women to lead Change”. Paper presented entitled “Role of Tripura Police Accountability Commission in Empowering Women”. | attended ICSSR sponsored International Seminar organized by ICFAI University“ Empowering Women to lead Change”. | On 23-24 June, 2016. |
9 | Dr. Annesha Saha | attended an International Seminar organized by ICFAI University, Tripura, on“Women Empowerment through Self Help Group (SHGs) in India”. Paper presented entitles “Role of Self Help Group in Encouraging & Empowering Rural Women Entrepreneurs” | attended an International Seminar organized by ICFAI University, Tripura, on“Women Empowerment through Self Help Group (SHGs) in India”. Paper presented entitles “Role of Self Help Group in Encouraging & Empowering Rural Women Entrepreneurs” | on 9th-10th Feb, 2017. |
10 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | “ State Level Training cum Seminar on Direct Benefit Transfer Workshop” | “ State Level Training cum Seminar on Direct Benefit Transfer Workshop” | by SC/OBC/ST/ Minority Welfare Department, Govt. of Tripura at Prajna Bhawan, Agartala representing the ICFAI University Tripura on 27th October, 2016. |
11 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | participated in the Empanelment of SEBI Financial Education Resource Persons Training Program in Indian Institute of Bank Management, Guwahati. Certified Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI)’ s Financial Education Trainer | participated in the Empanelment of SEBI Financial Education Resource Persons Training Program in Indian Institute of Bank Management, Guwahati. Certified Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI)’ s Financial Education Trainer | fromJan 22, 2017 to Jan 25, 2017. |
12 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | presented paper on the topic “The Role of Cultural Tourism in Promoting Women Empowerment in Tripura.” | presented paper on the topic “The Role of Cultural Tourism in Promoting Women Empowerment in Tripura.” | organized by ICFAI University Tripura,on Women Empowerment through Self Help Group (SHG) in India, 9th – 10th February, 2017. |
13 | Sudip Bhattacharjee at the International Seminar. | presented paper on the topic “Bandhan Bank: A Success Story of Micro – finance Institution to scheduled bank of India.” | presented paper on the topic “Bandhan Bank: A Success Story of Micro – finance Institution to scheduled bank of India.” | organized by ICFAI University Tripura, on Women Empowerment through Self Help Group (SHG) in India, 9th – 10th February, 2017 |
14 | Prof. Sudip Bhattacharjee | presented paper on the topic “Women in Professional Courses: A Comparative Study of Gender Barriers between Management & Engineering Students in Silchar.”, | presented paper on the topic “Women in Professional Courses: A Comparative Study of Gender Barriers between Management & Engineering Students in Silchar.”, | organized by ICFAI University Tripura, on Women Empowerment through Self Help Group (SHG) in India, 9th – 10th February, 2017. Prof. |
15 | Prof. Sujit Deb attended | Workshop on “Statistical Data Analysis”, | Workshop on “Statistical Data Analysis”, | Organised by ISI Kolkata, held in MBB College, from 21st November to 25th November 2016. |
16 | Prof. Sujit Deb, | Does Gender Really Affect Awareness level about Mutual Fund Investment Decision? A Study on Bank employee of Tripura, | Does Gender Really Affect Awareness level about Mutual Fund Investment Decision? A Study on Bank employee of Tripura, | ICFAI University Tripura. |
17 | Prof. Sujit Deb participated in an International Seminar on “Does Gender Really Affect Awareness level about Mutual Fund Investment Decision?” A Study on Bank employee of Tripura. | participated in an International Seminar on “Does Gender Really Affect Awareness level about Mutual Fund Investment Decision?” A Study on Bank employee of Tripura. | participated in an International Seminar on “Does Gender Really Affect Awareness level about Mutual Fund Investment Decision?” A Study on Bank employee of Tripura. | Organized byICFAI University Tripura on 23rd and 24thJune 2016. |
18 | Prof. Sankharaj Roy | Workshop on “Statistical Data Analysis”, | Workshop on “Statistical Data Analysis”, | Organized by ISI Kolkata, held in MBB College, from 23rd November to 25th November, 2016. |
19 | Prof. Sankharaj Roy participated in | International Seminar on “Empowering Women to Lead Change”, | International Seminar on “Empowering Women to Lead Change”, | organized by ICFAI University Tripura on 23-24 June, 2016. |
20 | Dr. Syed Sajidul Islam | International Seminar on “Empowering Women to Lead Change”, | presented a paper on "Socio- Economic Impact of Tourism upon Women Empowerment: A Case study of the Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary. " | organized by ICFAI University Tripura and on 23-24 June, 2016 |
21 | Dr. Syed Sajidul Islam | presented a paper on "Impact of Women Empowerment upon Tourism : A Case study of the Manas National Park. | International Seminar on “Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups”, | organized by ICFAI University Tripura and " on 9-10 February, 2017. |
22 | Dr. Syed Sajidul Islam | participated in a 2-week ICSSR sponsored Capacity Building Programme (CBP), organized for Social Science Faculty Members & Researchers , by the Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Changes (OKDISC), | participated in a 2-week ICSSR sponsored Capacity Building Programme (CBP), organized for Social Science Faculty Members & Researchers , by the Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Changes (OKDISC), | Guwahati, from 7-20 July, 2016. |
23 | Prof. Mousumi Biswas | participated in International Seminar on Empowering Women to Lead Change, | participated in International Seminar on Empowering Women to Lead Change, | Organized byICFAI University Tripura on 23rd and 24thJune 2016at IUT Campus. |
24 | Prof. Jayanta Chakraborti | presented paper on the topic of “Role of Corporates in promoting Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups” | International Conference on “Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups”, | ICFAI University Tripura and on 9-10 February, 2017. |
S # | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs |
Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Partha Sarkar | IT Solution to analyse long term satellite measured rainfall data from TRMM & GPM over North Eastern Region of India | Organized by GRJ Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chennai, during 7th & 8th September 2018 |
2 | Dr. Prasenjit Bal and Dr. Abhishek Das | Have got International Recognition as Editorial Board Members of “American Journal of Applied Mathematics(AJAM)” |
ISSN: 2330-0043(Print) ISSN: 2330-006X (Online) |
3 | Dr. Biplob Sarkar | "Exploring the Universe: Near Earth space science to extragalactic astronomy" (EXPUNIV 2018) | S.N. Bose national Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata 14-17 November,2018 |
4 | Prof. Sayantan Chakraborty | Attended as Repporteur 34th National Convention of Electrical Engineers’ and National Seminar on “Recent Advancement in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission” | NIT Agartala, From November 16-17, 2018 |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Workshops/Seminar/Conference | Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Dr. Amit Kumar Laha | Conference | The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, 15 th Feb-17 th Feb 2018 |
2 | Prof.Dhriti Rudrapal | One day workshop on “The Industrial Automation using PLC, SCADA & Drives" | Organized by: Faculty of Science and Technology, IUT in association with Academy Industrial Automation and Technology Venue: ICFAI University Tripura campus Date: 13 th February 2018 |
3 | Prof. Tapan Kr. Mohanta | One day workshop on “The Industrial Automation using PLC, SCADA & Drives" | Organized by: Faculty of Science and Technology, IUT in association with Academy Industrial Automation and Technology Venue: ICFAI University Tripura campus Date: 13 th February 2018 |
4 | Dr. P.R. Borthakur | Two days National seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education. An Awareness Program on NAAC.” | Organized by IFHE, Hyderabad 27-28 February, 2018 |
5 | Dr. Prasenjit Bal | International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Science. | Organized By : Dept. of Applied Mathematics,M.B.B. University. Jointly withTripura Mathematical Society.Vanue : M.B.B. University. March 24-25, 2018. |
6 | Prof. Manish Paul | National Seminar on the topic “Innovative Ideas on Healthcare Financing” | IUT on 20.03.2018 |
7 | Training sessions of “LMS software” | IUT on 15/03/18 | |
8 | Law Lecture on" Rights of Accused Person and the Constitution of India | LEX LOCI Club, ICFAI Law School, IUT on 31/03/2018 | |
9 | Prof. Dhriti Rudrapal Prof. Debjani Rakshit | Three days workshop on “Robotics" | Organized by: Faculty of Science and Technology, IUT in association with SakRobotix, IIT Bhubaneswar Venue: ICFAI University Tripura campus Date: 22 nd March to 24 th March 2018 |
10 | International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Science. | Organised By : Dept. of Applied Mathematics,M.B.B. University.Jointly withTripura Mathematical Society. Venue : M.B.B. University. Date : March 24-25, 2018. | |
11 | Prof. Tapan Kumar Mohanta | Three days workshop on “Robotics" | Organized by: Faculty of Science and Technology, IUT in association with SakRobotix, IIT Bhubaneswar Venue: ICFAI University Tripura campus Date: 22 nd March to 24 th March 2018 |
12 | Dr. Swarnali Nath Choudhury | Quality Education with Special Reference to Tribal Education (Primary, Secondary and Language Problem) | MBB College Agartala, 18 th and 19 th April, 2018. |
13 | Prof. Bipul Sen | Presented a conference paper titled “Influence of Jute Geotextile on the CBR behavior of soil” | Organized by: IEI and NITA Venue: IEI, TSC building, Gurkhbasti, Date: 30.04.2018 |
14 | Prof. Manish Paul | HRM practices in 21st century: Dimensions and Gaps | FMS, IUT, 26 th April, Auditorium |
15 | Interactive session with S.P. Gonchowdhury, chairman NBIRT | IUT, 20 th April, Auditorium | |
16 | Law lecture on “Consumer Awareness for securing social justice” | ILS, IUT on 11 th April, Auditorium | |
17 | World Autism Awareness Day celebration | FOSE, IUT, 2nd April Education Department, Ground floor Reading room. | |
18 | Prof. Debarshita Biswas | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
19 | Prof. Manish Paul | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
20 | Prof. Durgabati Podder | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
21 | Prof. Debjani Bhowmik | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
22 | Prof. B.V. SRIKANTH | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
23 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
24 | Prof. Srinjoy Roy | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
25 | Prof. Dharamjit Debbarma | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
26 | Prof. Abdur Rahman Al azad | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
27 | Prof. Ashim Paul | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura, Dated: 29th to 31st May, 2018, Resource person: Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad |
28 | Prof. Supradip Saha | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
29 | Prof. Sayantan Chakraborty | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
30 | Prof. Manish Paul | IUT organized 3days E-Learning Workshop | ICFAI University, Tripura Campus conducted by Dr. Indira Koneru, IBS, Hyderabad from 29 to 31 May, 2018 |
31 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas |
ICFAI University, Tripura, 7.6.2018 & 8.6.2018 |
32 | “Online FOSS Training for Summer Term IP 2018” of All First Year Students of FST, ICFAI University Tripura under Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay. 76 Students from BCA 1 st Year, BCA-MCA Integrated 1 st year and B.Tech 1 st Year Attended the Training. | Organized by North Eastern Region FOSS Hub at ICFAI University Tripura in Lab-1(2 nd Floor). 4/6/18(Mon) 2PM to 5PM, 5/6/18(Tue) 2PM to 5PM, 11/6/18(Mon) 2PM to 5PM, 12/6/18(Tue) 2PM to 5PM, 18/6/18(Mon) 2PM to 5PM, 19/6/18(Tue) 2PM to 5PM, 25/6/18(Mon) 2PM to 5PM, 26/6/18(Tue) 2PM to 5PM, | |
33 | Prof. Bipul Sen | Attended three days training course on “Mentoring Skills”. | Conducted at State Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development (SIPARD), Govt. of Tripura from 25th – 27th July, 2018. |
34 | Prof. Abdur Rahman Al Azad | 2days fcaulty development program on finite element analysis | Tripura Institute of Technology, 23-24 July, 2018 |
35 | Prof. Dharamjit Debbarma Prof. Abhijit Biswas | 2days fcaulty development program on finite element analysis | Tripura Institute of Technology, 23-24 July, 2018 |
Attended in the NPTEL SPOC Workshop | Organized by IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal held at Kolkata on 03.08.2018 | ||
36 | Prof. Partha Sarkar | IT Solution to analyse long term satellite measured rainfall data from TRMM & GPM over North Eastern Region of India | Organised by GRJ Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chennai, during 7th&8th September 2018 |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Workshops/Seminar/Conference | Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Dr. Swarnali Nath, | Attended the UGC sponsored National Seminar on recent trends in biodiversity conservation & Bio resource utilization | On 08-09 September, Dept. Of Botany, Women’s College. |
2 | Ms. Debarshita Biswas | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
3 | Mrs. Debjani Bhowmik | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
4 | Mrs. Durgabati Poddar | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
5 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
6 | Dr. Prasenjit Bal | Viva-voce presentation for the award of Ph.D. in Mathematics. | Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar, Agartala, West Tripura-799022 |
7 | Prof. Dharamjit Debbarma | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
8 | Dr. Shantanu Acharya | Lecture program by Mr. Saroj kanti Ghosh on 4G and 5G. | ICFAI University Tripura |
9 | Dr. Bidipto Chakraborty, Chief Central Coordinator, NER FOSS Hub, IUT | Online Video Training was conducted on C and C++ for B.Tech CSE, ECE, EEE, ME 2 nd year Students on 16.10.2017 | Organized by IIT Bombay (Spoken Tutorial Project, ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India) at Lab-3, ICFAI University Tripura |
10 | Online Video Training was conducted on Java for B.Tech CSE, ECE, EEE, ME 2 nd year Students on 23.10.2017 | Organized by IIT Bombay (Spoken Tutorial Project, ICT, MHRD, Govt. of India) at Lab-3, ICFAI University Tripura | |
11 | Prof. Gouranga Mandal | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
12 | Prof. B.V Srikant | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
13 | Prof. Dhriti Rudrapal | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
14 | Dr. Manoj Kr Triveni | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
15 | Prof. Partha Sarkar | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
16 | Dr. Subodh Debbarma | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
17 | Dr. Priyangshu Rana Borthakur | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
18 | Prof. Tapan Kr. Mohanta | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
19 | Prof. Mukund Kr Jha | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
20 | Prof. Sayantan Chakraborty | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
21 | Prof. Apash Roy | Workshop on Virtual Laboratory | Faculty of Science & Technology of ICFAI University, Tripura in association with IIT Delhi at IUT, Campus, on 30th October, 31st October |
22 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
23 | Prof. Gouranga Mandal | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
24 | Prof. Dhriti Rudrapal | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
25 | Dr. Shantanu Acharya | Acupuncture and Acupressure- a Drug Less way to Good Health- an effective alternate Medical systems | IUT, 11/11/2017 |
26 | Prof.B.V Srikant | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
27 | Prof. Debarshita Biswas | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
28 | Prof. Debjani Bhowmik | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
29 | Prof. Durgabati Podder | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
30 | Prof.Partha Sarkar | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
31 | Prof. Dharamjit Debbarma | Acupuncture and Acupressure- a Drug Less way to Good Health- an effective alternate Medical systems | IUT, 11/11/2017 |
32 | Dr. Bidipto Chakraborty | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
33 | Prof. Mukund kumar Jha | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
34 | Dr. Priyangshu Rana Borthakur | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
35 | Dr. Swarnali Nath | Attended Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software” | Organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28 th to 30 th November, 2017 |
Acupuncture and Acupressure- a Drug Less way to Good Health- an effective alternate Medical systems | IUT, 11/11/2017 | ||
36 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas | Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software”. | organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28th to 30th November, 2017 |
36 | Prof. B.V.Srikanth | Three Days North-East Program on “Advanced Data Analysis with R-Software”. | organized by Indian Statistical Institute, SQC and OR Unit, Bangalore jointly with ICFAI University, Tripura held from 28th to 30th November, 2017 |
37 | Dr. Amit Kumar Laha | Conference | The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, 15 th Feb-17 th Feb 2018 |
38 | Prof.Dhriti Rudrapal | One day workshop on “The Industrial Automation using PLC, SCADA & Drives" | Organized by: Faculty of Science and Technology, IUT in association with Academy Industrial Automation and Technology Venue: ICFAI University Tripura campus Date: 13 th February 2018 |
39 | Prof. Tapan Kr. Mohanta | One day workshop on “The Industrial Automation using PLC, SCADA & Drives" | Organized by: Faculty of Science and Technology, IUT in association with Academy Industrial Automation and Technology Venue: ICFAI University Tripura campus Date: 13 th February 2018 |
40 | Dr. P.R. Borthakur | Two days National seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education. An Awareness Program on NAAC.” | Organized by IFHE, Hyderabad 27-28 February, 2018 |
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper | Name of the Conference/Seminar/Workshop | Organized by Host/Venue/Date |
1 | Prof. Bipul Sen | attended the seminar | “Retrofitting of Building”, | Institutions of Engineers (India), Silchar Local Centre, PWD, AMC, & NIT Agartala; Venue: IEI Building, Agartala Date: 27/03/2016. |
2 | Prof. Bipul Sen | attended the seminar “Rail Connectivity in North-Eastern Region of India”, | attended the seminar “Rail Connectivity in North-Eastern Region of India”, | organized by Institutions of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, NF Railways in IEI Building, Agartala on 27/03/2016. |
3 | Prof. Bipul Sen | attended National Level Conference on “Engineering Problems and Application of mathematics” | attended National Level Conference on “Engineering Problems and Application of mathematics” | organised by NITA, NITA Campus, 11.06.2016 to 12.06.2016. |
4 | Prof. Bipul Sen | attended the seminar “Good Governance in Technical Education”, | attended the seminar “Good Governance in Technical Education”, | Jointly with the Institution Of Engineers (India, West Bengal State Centre, ICFAI University Tripura & Techno India. Venue Institute of Engineers (India) Tripura State Centre at P.N. Complex (Gurkhabasti), Agartala on 28/03/2016. |
5 | Prof. Bipul Sen, | Works Contract & Arbitration | Works Contract & Arbitration | Jointly with Indian Buildings Congress, Tripura Centre, PWD & RD Govt. of Tripura &CPWD, Govt Of India, Tripura Zone. On 31/03/2016. |
6 | Prof. Bipul Sen | attended National Level Conference on “‘Total Sanitation & Affordable housing” Participated as Quiz Master, (EPAM) | attended National Level Conference on “‘Total Sanitation & Affordable housing” Participated as Quiz Master, (EPAM) | organised by Indian Building Congress (IBC), Tripura Centre. On 11.06.2016 |
7 | Prof. Bipul Sen | Participated in a seminar on “Influence of Finer Fraction and Water Table on Compaction and Consolidation Characteristics of Soils of Agartala City” | Participated in a seminar on “Influence of Finer Fraction and Water Table on Compaction and Consolidation Characteristics of Soils of Agartala City” | organised by Institutions of Engineers (India), Tripura State Centre (Jointly with IEI, Aurangabad Local Centre & PWD water resource) on 26.06.2016 . |
8 | Prof. Bipul Sen, | Participated in a seminar on “Water Conservation & Storage of Water” | Participated in a seminar on “Water Conservation & Storage of Water” | organised by Institutions of Engineers (India), Tripura State Centre (Jointly with IEI, Aurangabad Local Centre & PWD water resource) on 26.06.2016 . |
9 | Prof. Bipul Sen, | Participated on “Environment Day-2016” Participated as Quiz Master, (EPAM) | Participated on “Environment Day-2016” Participated as Quiz Master, (EPAM) | organised by Institutions of Engineers (India), Tripura State Centre, NEEPCO and Khayerpur higher secondary school. |
10 | Prof. Bipul Sen, | conducted/ attended a workshop on “Good Governance in Technical Education”, | conducted/ attended a workshop on “Good Governance in Technical Education”, | Jointly with the Institution Of Engineers, West Bengal State Centre, ICFAI University Tripura & Techno India, at Institute Of Engineers, Tripura, Agartala on 28th March 2016. |
11 | Prof. Bipul Sen, | participated “Works Contract & Arbitataion”, | participated “Works Contract & Arbitataion”, | Jointly with Indian Buildings Congress, Tripura Centre, PWD & RD Govt.Of Tripura &CPWD, Govt Of India, Tripura Zone on 31st March 2016. |
12 | Prof Abhijit Biswas | attended National Workshop on ‘Android Application Development’, | attended National Workshop on ‘Android Application Development’, | Organized by CSE Dept, NIT Agartala on 10th-11th March, 2016. |
13 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas | presented the paper entitled as “ICTs and Empowerment of Indian Rural Women” | attended ICSSR Sponsored International seminar on “Empowering Women to Lead Change” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura. 23.06.2016 & 24.06.2016. |
14 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas | attended and presented the paper entitled as “Role of Information Technology for Promoting Women Empowerment Especially with reference to Members of Self Help Groups “ during International Seminar on the theme “Women Empowerment Through Self Help Group(SHG) in India” | attended and presented the paper entitled as “Role of Information Technology for Promoting Women Empowerment Especially with reference to Members of Self Help Groups “ during International Seminar on the theme “Women Empowerment Through Self Help Group(SHG) in India” | Organized by The ICFAI University, Tripura on Dated: 09.02.2017 & 10.02.2017. |
15 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas | attended a Seminar on “High Speed Internet Connectivity through Bangladesh towards Development of North-Eastern region of India”, | attended a Seminar on “High Speed Internet Connectivity through Bangladesh towards Development of North-Eastern region of India”, | The Institution of Engineers (India), Tripura State Centre jointly with NIT, Agartala, TIT, IUT, Techno India and Tripura University on 26.03.2016. |
16 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas, | attended a workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | attended a workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 20.03.2017 to 22.03.2017. |
17 | Prof. Abhijit Biswas | attended and presented the paper entitled as “ Role of Data Mining in Cloud Computing” during national conference on “ recent trends in engineering & technology” | attended and presented the paper entitled as “ Role of Data Mining in Cloud Computing” during national conference on “ recent trends in engineering & technology” | organized by TIT, Agt. Held on 17.03.17 & 18.3.17. |
18 | Prof Abhijit Biswas, | attended National Workshop on ‘Android Application Development’, | attended National Workshop on ‘Android Application Development’, | Organized by CSE Dept, NIT Agartala on 10th&11th March, 2016. |
19 | Prof. Ashim Paul, | ‘Retrofitting of Building’, | ‘Retrofitting of Building’, | Institutions of Engineers (India), Silchar Local Centre, PWD, AMC, & NIT Agartala; in IEI Building, Agartala, on 27/03/2016. |
20 | Prof. Ashim Paul | ‘Rail Connectivity in North-Eastern Region of India, | ‘Rail Connectivity in North-Eastern Region of India, | Institutions of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, NF Railways. in IEI Building, Agartala on 27/03/2016. |
21 | Prof. Ashim Paul, | ‘Retrofitting of Building’, Institutions of Engineers (India), Silchar Local Centre, PWD, AMC, & NIT Agartala; | ‘Retrofitting of Building’, Institutions of Engineers (India), Silchar Local Centre, PWD, AMC, & NIT Agartala; | Venue: IEI Building, Agartala Date: 27/03/2016. |
22 | Prof..Ashim Paul, | ‘Rail Connectivity in North-Eastern Region of India, Institutions of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, NF Railways. | ‘Rail Connectivity in North-Eastern Region of India, Institutions of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, NF Railways. | Venue: IEI Building, Agartala Date: 27/03/2016. |
23 | Prof. Ashim Paul, | attended the Short Term Training Program on “Introduction to Structural Engineering” , Conducted by IIT Kharagpur (NMEICT, MHRD Project, | attended the Short Term Training Program on “Introduction to Structural Engineering” , Conducted by IIT Kharagpur (NMEICT, MHRD Project, | Govt. of India) at National Institute of Technology Agartala/ 04.01.2016 – 09.01.2016. |
24 | Prof. Partha Sarkar | paper entitled as “role of information and communication Technology in Empowering Women” | attended ICSSR sponsored International Seminar on “Empowering Women to lead change” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23.06.2016 to 24.06.2016. |
25 | Prof. Partha Sarkar, | attended a workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | attended a workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 20.03.2017 to 22.03.2017. |
26 | Prof. Partha Sarkar | attended the Workshop “Machine Learning and Applications” | attended the Workshop “Machine Learning and Applications” | Conducted Jointly by-ISI, Kolkata and Dept. Of Information Technology, Tripura University. Venue:- Dept. Of Information Technology, Tripura University.Date: 22-02-2017 to 24-02-2017. |
27 | Prof Partha Sarkar, | attended National Workshop on ‘The Human Computer Interaction’, | attended National Workshop on ‘The Human Computer Interaction’, | Organized by CSE Dept, NIT Agartala on15th &16th February,2016. |
28 | Prof. Debjani Bhowmik | participated a International seminar on Empowering women to lead change, Role of Information and Communication Technology on Women Entrepreneurship in a Developing Country. | participated a International seminar on Empowering women to lead change, Role of Information and Communication Technology on Women Entrepreneurship in a Developing Country. | Organized by The ICFAI University, Tripura 23.06. 2016 to 24.06.2017. |
29 | Prof. Debjani Bhowmik, | attended a seminar on “Advanced nano electronics and VLSI design in IEI | attended a seminar on “Advanced nano electronics and VLSI design | dated 5.03.17 in IEI. |
30 | Prof. Debjani Bhowmik | attended a workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | attended a workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 20.03.2017 to 22.03.2017 |
31 | Prof. Debjani Bhowmik,. | attended a Training program on “Preparation of Laboratory Manual”, | attended a Training program on “Preparation of Laboratory Manual”, | Conducted by Women's Polytechnic, Agratala from 11th to 15th January 2016 |
32 | Dr. Swarnali Nath | presented a paper on on the topic “Science for development and peace” | “World Science Day for Peace and Development” | 10.11.2016 |
33 | Prof. Debarshita Biswas | attended a Seminar of Computer Science & Engineering Division, technological trend & IRISCOM | attended a Seminar of Computer Science & Engineering Division, technological trend & IRISCOM | held in IEI on 19/11/2016. |
34 | Prof. Debarshita Biswas | attended a Seminar on Electronics Engineering Division in IEI based on the topic “Fabrication of Different Types of Organic Solar Cells”. “4G Mobile Communication” & “RFID” | “Fabrication of Different Types of Organic Solar Cells”. “4G Mobile Communication” & “RFID” | on 26.11.2017 in Institution of Engineers, Pundit Nehru Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala. |
35 | Prof. B.V.Srikanth” | attended National Conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology | attended National Conference on “Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology | TIT, Agartala, 17.03.2017 and 18.03.2017. |
36 | Prof. B.V.Srikanth | attended Workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | attended Workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | ICFAI University, Tripura, 20.03.2017 to 22.03.2017. |
37 | Prof. B.V.Srikanth | Attended and presented the paper entitled as “Role of Information Technology for Promoting Women Empowerment Especially with reference to Members of Self Help Groups “ during International Seminar on the theme “Women Empowerment Through Self Help Group(SHG) in India” | Attended and presented the paper entitled as “Role of Information Technology for Promoting Women Empowerment Especially with reference to Members of Self Help Groups “ during International Seminar on the theme “Women Empowerment Through Self Help Group(SHG) in India” | Organized by The ICFAI University, Tripura on Dated: 09.02.2017 & 10.02.2017 |
38 | Prof. B.V.Srikanth | attended the National Conference and presented the paper entitled as “ Role of Data Mining in Cloud Computing” during national conference on “ recent trends in engineering & technology” | attended the National Conference and presented the paper entitled as “ Role of Data Mining in Cloud Computing” during national conference on “ recent trends in engineering & technology” | organized by TIT, Agt. Held on 17.03.17 & 18.3.17. |
39 | Prof. B.V.Srikanth | attended International Seminar On ‘”Women Empowerment Through Self Help Group(SHG) in India’ | attended International Seminar On ‘”Women Empowerment Through Self Help Group(SHG) in India’ | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura, on 09/02/ 2017 to 10/02/2017. |
40 | Prof. B.V.Srikant | attended a workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | attended a workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 20.03.2017 to 22.03.2017. |
41 | Dr. Bidipto Chakraborty” | attended a Workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android | attended a Workshop on “Smartphone Application Development using Android | Organized by ICFAI University Tripura From 20.03.2017 to 22.03.2017 |
42 | Prof. Supradip Saha | attended a National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology”, | attended a National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology”, | International Institute of Technology & Research in association with IRAJ RESEARCH FORUM, Kolkata, 20th March. |
43 | Prof. Supradip Saha with a Student from Civil department, Subhrajit Das, | attended a National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology”, conducted by International Institute of Technology & Research | attended a National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology”, conducted by International Institute of Technology & Research | in association with IRAJ RESEARCH FORUM, Kolkata, 20th March, 2017. |
44 | Prof. Supradip Saha | attended the departmental seminar on Technical Talk on the Topic “Dynamic Response Control of Structure using massive control devices” | attended the departmental seminar on Technical Talk on the Topic “Dynamic Response Control of Structure using massive control devices” | organized by IUT on 08.03.2017. |
45 | Prof. Sabyasachi Chakraborty | published a paper “A Critical Study on Facilitating SHG activities through effective application of Database Driven Technologies” in International Seminar on Empowering Women through Self Help Groups in India, | published a paper “A Critical Study on Facilitating SHG activities through effective application of Database Driven Technologies” in International Seminar on Empowering Women through Self Help Groups in India, | Icfai University-Tripura , IUT Campus, on 9/02/2017 – 10/02/2017. |
46 | Dr. Amit Kumar Laha, | presented a technical talk on "Number Theory" and "Intex tool kit 2017" | presented a technical talk on "Number Theory" and "Intex tool kit 2017" | in IUT on 15-02-2017. |
47 | Saikat Paul (B.Tech 2nd year) and Satyabrata Nath (B.Tech 2nd year) | jointly presented technical talk on "Imtex tool kit 2017" | jointly presented technical talk on "Imtex tool kit 2017" | in IUT on 15-02-2017. |
48 | Prof. Juhi Datta | attended the departmental seminar on “Smart Grid – The future Electric Grid” | attended the departmental seminar on “Smart Grid – The future Electric Grid” | organized by IUT on 08.03.2017. |
49 | Dr.Umakanta Mishra, | attended 48th Annual Convention of operational Research Society of India, 2015 and International Conference. Bhubaneswar Chapter, Operations research Society in India and SOA University, | attended 48th Annual Convention of operational Research Society of India, 2015 and International Conference. Bhubaneswar Chapter, Operations research Society in India and SOA University, | Bhubaneswar, Odisha, from 17th to 19th December 2015. |
50 | Prof. Apurba Chakraborty, , | attended18th International Workshop on ‘Physics Of Semiconductor Devices | attended18th International Workshop on ‘Physics Of Semiconductor Devices | IISC Bangalore, Dec 7-9, 2015. |
51 | Prof. Apurba Chakraborty, | delivered Lecture on the topic “GaN based HEMT device technology”, | delivered Lecture on the topic “GaN based HEMT device technology”, | Conducted by Institute of Engineers India, Tripura State Centre/ 27.02.2016 at IEI Lecture Hall. |
52 | Prof. Siddharth Kashyap, | ISTE Short Term Training Program on “Introduction to Structural Engineering”, Conducted by IIT Kharagpur (NMEICT, MHRD Project, Govt. of India) | ISTE Short Term Training Program on “Introduction to Structural Engineering”, Conducted by IIT Kharagpur (NMEICT, MHRD Project, Govt. of India) | at National Institute of Technology Agartala/ 04.01.2016 – 09.01.2016. |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs |
Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Shruti Das | Learning Management System(Lms) Workshop | Hosted by ICFAI University, Tripura, from 29/05/2018 - 31/05/2018 |
2 | Prof. Joydeep Ghosal | Learning Management System(Lms) Workshop | Hosted by ICFAI University, Tripura, from 29/05/2018 - 31/05/2018 |
3 | Prof. Mathew Nakhu | Learning Management System(Lms) Workshop | Hosted by ICFAI University, Tripura, from 29/05/2018 - 31/05/2018 |
4 | Prof. Md. Baharul Islam | Learning Management System(Lms) Workshop | Hosted by ICFAI University, Tripura, from 29/05/2018 - 31/05/2018 |
5 | Prof. Raghunath Chakraborty | Learning Management System(Lms) Workshop | Hosted by ICFAI University, Tripura, from 29/05/2018 - 31/05/2018 |
6 | Prof. Nabarun Bhattacharjee | Learning Management System(Lms) Workshop | Hosted by ICFAI University, Tripura, from 29/05/2018 - 31/05/2018 |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs |
Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Zigisha Pujari | Attended a national conference on “Rights of Elderly persons as Human Rights & Related issues” | organized by IUT in collaboration with Tripura Human Rights commission & Tripura State legal service authority held on 04/11/2017 to 05/11/2017. |
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper | Name of the Conference/Seminar/Workshop | Organized by Host/Venue/Date |
1 | Prof. Baharul Islam, | The Right to Information Act 2005: Issues and Challenges” paper presented in national Seminar on “Current Trends of Development in Communication, Innovation and Creativity in India”, | The Right to Information Act 2005: Issues and Challenges” paper presented in national Seminar on “Current Trends of Development in Communication, Innovation and Creativity in India”, | “ICSSR and Holy Cross College, Agartala, Tripura.27th – 28th February, 2016. |
2 | Prof. Md. Baharul Islam, | Participated an international seminar “Literacy and Education for Sustainable Development and Women Empowerment” and presented paper on “Empowering Women to Lead Change” | Participated an international seminar “Literacy and Education for Sustainable Development and Women Empowerment” and presented paper on “Empowering Women to Lead Change” | ICFAI University Tripura 23-24 June, 2016. |
3 | Prof. Mathew Nakhu, | Participated an International Seminar “Women Empowerment to Lead Change” | Participated an International Seminar “Women Empowerment to Lead Change” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
4 | Prof. Debabrata Roy,. | International Seminar on Women Empowerment to Lead Change ( Presented a paper called An Analysis of the laws Relating to Domestic Violence in India | International Seminar on Women Empowerment to Lead Change ( Presented a paper called An Analysis of the laws Relating to Domestic Violence in India | organized by ICFAI University Tripura 23-24 June, 2016 |
5 | Dr.Malabika Talukdar | attend the International Seminar at Thailand on “India –Thailand Bond: Past , Present and Future” National Research Council of Thailand and Indian Council for Social Science and Research. | attend the International Seminar at Thailand on “India –Thailand Bond: Past , Present and Future” National Research Council of Thailand and Indian Council for Social Science and Research. | Venue :The Empress Hotel , Chiang Mai , Thailand, Date: 20th -24th February 2017. |
S # | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs |
Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Priyank Kumar Shivam | Paper presented on National Seminar, title “Globalisation and Indian School Education: Issues and Challenges” | Swami Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Tripura |
2 | Prof. C. Arundhathi Bai | one day workshop on the theme “Emergency Situation Handling In Time of Disaster & Trauma” | Allied Health Sciencess, IUT in collaboration with ‘National Disaster Response Force’ and ‘State Disaster management Department’, Govt. of Tripura / Ground Floor Auditorium, IUT / 29th Nov 2018 |
3 | Prof. Sanjay Kumar | One day workshop on the theme “Emergency Situation Handling In Time of Disaster & Trauma” | Allied Health Sciencess, IUT in collaboration with ‘National Disaster Response Force’ and ‘State Disaster management Department’, Govt. of Tripura / Ground Floor Auditorium, IUT / 29th Nov 2018 |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Training Programs |
Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Bheem Pad Mahato | Unity of Science | Indian Association of Physics Teacher and Department of Science and Technology, Tripura / Rabindra Bhawan, Agartala / 08/01/2018 |
2 | Dr.A.Ranganath | Two days National seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education. An Awareness Program on NAAC.” | Organized by IFHE, Hyderabad 27-28 February, 2018 |
3 | Dr. P S Srivastava | Orientation program for B.Ed. | FOE , ICFAI University Tripura |
4 | Dr. P S Srivastava | Orientation program for M.A. (Education.) | FOE , ICFAI University Tripura |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Training Programs | Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Litan Bhawmik | Presented a paper on “A Study of Attitudes Towards the Persons With Disabilities”. | The ICFAI University Tripura, Agartala, India |
2 | Prof. Sanjay Kumar | National seminar on science education | Regional institute of education (ncert), ajmer, 21-23 nov. 2017 |
3 | Prof. Sanjay Kumar | Workshop on advanced data analysis with r-software | Icfai university, tripura 28-30 nov. 2017 |
4 | Prof. Bheem Pad Mahato | Unity of Science | Indian Association of Physics Teacher and Department of Science and Technology, Tripura / Rabindra Bhawan, Agartala / 08/01/2018 |
5 | Dr.A.Ranganath | Two days National seminar on “Enhancement of Quality in Higher Education. An Awareness Program on NAAC.” | Organized by IFHE, Hyderabad 27-28 February, 2018 |
Sl. No. | Name of Faculty | Title of Paper | Name of the Conference/Seminar/Workshop | Organized by Host/Venue/Date |
1 | Dr. Y.C. Singh(Joint) | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “Education & Women Empowerment in India” | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “Education & Women Empowerment in India” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
2 | Dr. Y.C. Singh (Joint), | participated an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ on “Education & Women Empowerment in India” | participated an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ on “Education & Women Empowerment in India” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
3 | Prof. C. Arundhathi Bai (Joint),”, | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “Education & Women Empowerment in India | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “Education & Women Empowerment in India | which was organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
4 | Prof. Amit Kumar De (Joint), | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “Sports and Physical Activity: An Emerging Dimension for Empowering Women” | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “Sports and Physical Activity: An Emerging Dimension for Empowering Women” | which was organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
5 | Prof. Aniruddha Chakraborty (Joint), | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “The Govt. Promoted Women Welfare Schemes in India”, | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “The Govt. Promoted Women Welfare Schemes in India”, | which was organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
6 | Prof. Biswajit Chakraborty | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “The Impact of Social and Electronic Media on the Female Students at Secondary Level” | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and paper presented on “The Impact of Social and Electronic Media on the Female Students at Secondary Level” | which was organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
7 | Prof. Mihir Shil(Joint), | participated an international seminar on “Empowering Women to Lead Change” and paper presented on Sports and Physical Activity: An Emerging Dimension for Empowering Women ” | participated an international seminar on “Empowering Women to Lead Change” and paper presented on Sports and Physical Activity: An Emerging Dimension for Empowering Women ” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
8 | Prof. Ranjan Acharjee, | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and presented paper on “Emerging Trends of Political Participation of Tribal Women in Tripura” | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and presented paper on “Emerging Trends of Political Participation of Tribal Women in Tripura” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
9 | Dr. Madhavi Sharma, | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and presented paper on “A Retrospective Analysis and Empowerment of social status among adolescent girls and women with ID” | participated in an international seminar on ‘Empowering Women to Lead Change’ and presented paper on “A Retrospective Analysis and Empowerment of social status among adolescent girls and women with ID” | organized by ICFAI University, Tripura from 23-24 June, 2016. |
10 | Dr. Madhavi Sharma, | participated an International Conference on “Best practices in the management of learning Disabilities” and presented paper on “The effect of cross-Age Tutoring On Achievement of Reading Skills in Primary Level Students with Mild ID” | participated an International Conference on “Best practices in the management of learning Disabilities” and presented paper on “The effect of cross-Age Tutoring On Achievement of Reading Skills in Primary Level Students with Mild ID” | at University of Calicut International on 7th and 8th August 2016. |
11 | Dr. Madhavi Sharma, | participated an International Seminar on “The Effectiveness of Cross-Age Tutoring On Achievement of Reading Skills in Primary Level Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities Council For Research And Management of learning Disorders (Crmld)” | participated an International Seminar on “The Effectiveness of Cross-Age Tutoring On Achievement of Reading Skills in Primary Level Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities Council For Research And Management of learning Disorders (Crmld)” | at , University of Calicut on 23 & 24 September, 2016. |
12 | Prof. Litan Bhoumik, | participated as a resource person “Training Programme On Inclusive Education Of CWSN For School Teachers” | participated as a resource person “Training Programme On Inclusive Education Of CWSN For School Teachers” | organized by District Disability Rehabilitation Centre (West), Shymali Bazar, Kunjaban, Agartala, Tripura (W) programmes were sponsored by SSA Rajya Mission, Tripura on 4th,9th and 16th November 2016,. |
13 | Dr Y.C singh, | Participated in One Day national Seminar on Teacher Education in Tripura- Past Present & Future; and is one of the presenter paper “Role of Private colleges in Teacher Education in Tripura” | Participated in One Day national Seminar on Teacher Education in Tripura- Past Present & Future; and is one of the presenter paper “Role of Private colleges in Teacher Education in Tripura” | Institute of Advanced studies in Education, Kunjaban , Agartala 04 March, 2017. |
14 | Dr.A.Ranganath, | Participated in the Consultation meet on a comprehensive review of the functioning of NCTE, | Participated in the Consultation meet on a comprehensive review of the functioning of NCTE, | NCTE Review Committee, Guwahati 01.02.16 |
15 | Dr A. Ranganath, was invited as a Chief Guest and delivered lecture | ‘Role of research in promoting the contribution of Sanskrit in the quality improvement of school education’, National seminar on “Contribution of Sanskrit in the quality improvement of school education” | ‘Role of research in promoting the contribution of Sanskrit in the quality improvement of school education’, National seminar on “Contribution of Sanskrit in the quality improvement of school education” | on 19.02.16. |
16 | Prof. Aniruddha Chakraborty, | delivered a lecture on “A comparative study of the H.S English curriculum under CBSE , TBSE, & CISCE”, at Hindi Higher Secondary School | delivered a lecture on “A comparative study of the H.S English curriculum under CBSE , TBSE, & CISCE”, at Hindi Higher Secondary School | organized by IUT on 20.02.16. |
S # | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs |
Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Mousumi Biswas | Guest Lecture | Deptt. Of Business Management, TU, 24.07.2018 |
2 | Prof. Mousumi Biswas | Lecture at “Purvottaran 2018” | Tripura University, 25.09.2018 |
3 | Prof. Mousumi Biswas | Organized National Seminar on “ National Issues of orality’s , Folk & History in the 21st Century. | FHSS, ICFAI University, Tripura, Date:05-06th 2018 |
4 | Prof. Gitanjali Roy | ||
5 | Prof. Indrani Bandyopadhyay | ||
6 | Prof. Lalnundika Darlong | ||
7 | Prof. Merelin Darlong | ||
8 | Prof. Dipikanta Chakrabory | ||
9 | Prof. Gamidalah War | ||
10 | Prof. Bhaswati Jana | ||
11 | Dr. Shal Al Mamun Sarkar | ||
12 | Dr. Sayantan Thakur |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs | Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Gitanjali Roy | ICSSR-NERC Sponsored National Seminar- ‘Animism: Socio-Religious Practices of the Sacred Nature to Digital Animism’ | Holy Cross College, Lembucherra, Tripura Date- 23rd-24th March 2018 |
2 | Prof. Merelin Darlong | ICSSR-NERC Sponsored National Seminar: Relationship between Nature and the Darlong Community since pre-Christian era till the contemporary period | Holy Cross College Date: 23rd-24th March 2018 |
3 | Prof. Sayantan Thakur | ICSSR-NERC SponsoredNational Seminar: Locating the Environmental, Dialectical and Cultural Changes in the Tune and Melody of the Bengali Folk Songs | Holy Cross College, Date: 23rd-24th March 2018 |
4 | Prof. Bhaswati Jana | ICSSR-NERC SponsoredNational Seminar:. International and National Perspectives on Protection of Environment: A comparative study on Government Intervention for conserving the Ecosystem. | ,Holy Cross College , Lembucherra 23 &24 march 2018 |
5 | Indrani Bandyopadhyay | ICSSR-NERC SponsoredNational Seminar:The Dynamics of Environment and Its Impact on Politics: An Interdisciplinary DialogueName of the Paper: Muktadhara: A struggle for a free spirit in the world of Postcolonial Ecocriticism | . Venue: Holy Cross College Date: 23.3.18 & 24.3.18 |
6 | Prof. Saikat Das Sharma | ICSSR-NERC SponsoredNational Seminar:Paper Presented on the topic: International and National Perspectives on Protection of Environment: A Comparative Study on Government Intervention for Conserving the Ecosystem | Venue: Holy Cross College Date – 23rd March 2018 |
7 | Prof. Sayantan Thakur | National Seminar on “Jayadeva’s Gitagovindam and Goudiya Vaishnava kirtan” | Shaptodinga Foundation Mahabodhi Society, Kolkata On 15.04.2018 |
8 | Prof. Gitanjali Roy | Lecture: Identity and Diaspora: Special Reference to Sudipta Mikado Chakma’s poem Identity. | Organized by Faculty of Liberal Arts ICFAI University Tripura Date- 02.05.18 |
9 | Prof. Gitanjali Roy | Editor of an e-journal | Journal of Bengali Studies, on 11/ 06/2018 |
10 | Prof. Gamidalah War | 24th Himalayan Languages Symposium | Department of Linguistics, Lucknow University, Lucknow, 8th – 10th June, 2018 |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs | Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Gitanjali Roy | participated The Octalysis Framework, Online-course | conducted by Yu Kai Chou & Udemy Gamification & Behavioral Design: on Oct-Nov,2017. |
2 | Students of BA-Eng(H) & MA-Eng | participated the Free Open Source Software Training on ‘LibreOffice Suite Calc’ & ‘LibreOffice Suite Impress’ | Conducted online by IIT Bombay on 18 & 25 Oct’ 2017. |
3 | Prof. Gitanjali Roy | Presented a paper in National Seminar on “Digital Archiving of Folksongs: Consumerization, Branding and Marketing Strategies” | Department of English, Tripura University. Date- 15.01.2018 |
4 | Prof. Merelin Darlong | Presented a paper in National Seminar on “Unity in Diversity: A Study of homogeneity in Mizo,Darlong and Kokborok folktales” | Department of English, Tripura University. Date- 15.01.2018 |
5 | Prof. Indrani Banerjee | Presented a paper in National Seminar on “Representing the little voices: Multilayered folks in Hansuli Banker Upakatha and Sunset Song” | Department of English, Tripura University. Date- 15.01.2018 |
6 | Prof. Sayantan Thakur | Presented a paper in National Seminar on “Kirtan and its evolution” | Department of English, Tripura University. Date- 15.01.2018 |
7 | Prof. Lalnundika Darlong | Presented a paper in National Seminar on “Cultural change among the Halam tribes of Tripura: The Paradox of tribal culture and religion” | Department of English, Tripura University.Date- 15.01.2018 |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs |
Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 |
Prof.Silali Banerjee Chakraborty |
Transition From School To College of Secondary level Visually impaired learners | Rabindra Bharti Universityt, on 02/02/2018 |
2 | Prof. Priyank Kumar Shivam worked in committee of Report Writing of the program. | Seminar on People Education Program (PEP), Debate Competition and Essay Writing Competition Sponsored by Khadi and Village Industries Commission,( Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India) | The ICFAI University Tripura/ University Campus/ 27/03/2018 |
3 | Prof. Bheem Pad Mahato | Unity Of Science | Indian Association Of Physics Teacher And Department Of Science And Technology, Tripura / Rabindra Bhawan, Agartala / 08/01/2018 |
4 | Prof. Liton Mallick |
Attained a National Seminar. The topic- Curriculum Development and Contemporary Issues. |
Rastriya Sanskrita Vidyalaya, Tripura on 21st March, 20128. |
5 | Prof. C. Arundhathi Bai | Workshop on Learning Management System | IUT/IUT Lab-1/29-31 May, 2018. |
6 | Prof. Litan Mallick | Workshop on Learning Management System | IUT/IUT Lab-1/29-31 May, 2018. |
7 | Prof. Sanjoy Kumar | Workshop on Learning Management System | IUT/IUT Lab-1/29-31 May, 2018. |
8 | Prof. Bheem Pad Mahato | Workshop on Learning Management System | IUT/IUT Lab-1/29-31 May, 2018. |
9 | Prof. Srimoyee Poddar | Workshop on Learning Management System | IUT/IUT Lab-1/29-31 May, 2018. |
10 | Prof. Subhasish Khanda | Workshop on Learning Management System | IUT/IUT Lab-1/29-31 May, 2018. |
11 | Prof. Biswajit chakraborty | Workshop on Learning Management System | IUT/IUT Lab-1/29-31 May, 2018. |
12 | Prof. Silali Banerjee Chakraborty | As a Resource perrson Agartala from 10:30 A.M. Training on activities of daily living and handling the persons with Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Autism and Multiple Disabilities (from 11:30 to 12:30). | National Trust the SNAC will organize a parents Training Programme on 24thMarch, 2018 at Matangini Pritilata Conference Hall, Women’s College, |
13 | Dr. Madhavi Sharma | All India Zonal Coordination Committee Meet at New Delhi,as a Member of RCI - ZCC | Rehabilitation Council of India, ,Indian International Centre, New Delhi ,10th April 2018 |
14 | Dr.Madhavi Sharma | International Seminar as a Guest Speaker for a Plenary Session & also the Chairperson for a session of Paper Presentation | Voice of World and Department of Education ,Jadhavpur University at Auditorium, Jadavpur University Campus, Kolkata 12th & 13th April, 2018 |
15 | Children with special abilities | Children registered in FOSE Education Lab gave a wonderful performance during inauguration session of State Sports Meet. | Youth Affairs & Sports Department in association with the Tripura Sports Council and the Tripura School sports Board / IUT campus / 27th May 2018. |
16 | Prof. Debashis Mahato | Resource Person | District Disability Rehabilitation Centre/ DDRC Conference Hall, Agartala / 29/05/2018 |
17 | Prof. Litan Bhaumik | Resource Person | District Disability Rehabilitation Centre/ DDRC Conference Hall, Agartala / 29/05/2018 |
18 | Prof. Silali Banerjee (Chakraborty) | Transition From School To College of Secondary level Visually impaired learners on 02/02/2018 | Rabindrabharty University lt no 7-16( 542)2018 |
19 | Prof. Tapasjit Rajkumar | Paper presentation in national seminar on reaching the unreached through science and technology. | Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) ,Dharmanagar chapter and Govt Degree college Dharmanagar North Tripura. |
20 | Prof. Subhasish Khanda | Free Coaching Classes for School Students | Organized by ICFAI University |
21 | Dr. P.S. Srivastava | Convener of a 3 day workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education for Faculty members of Education/ Teacher Educators | Faculty of Education, The ICFAI University, Tripura dated 25th -27th July, 2018. |
22 | Prof. Priyank Kumar Shivam | Participated in A 3 Day Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education for Faculty members of Education/ Teacher Educators | Faculty of Education, The ICFAI University, Tripura dated 25th -27th July, 2018. |
23 | Prof. Priyank Kumar Shivam | Attended Distribution of Teaching & Learning materials among Children with Special needs ( Intellectual Diabilities/ Mental Retardation) | National Institute for the Person with Intellectual Disabilities (NIEPID) and Faculty of Special Education, The ICFAI University, Tripura dated 13th July, 2018. |
24 | Dr. Y.C Singh | Acted as a “Joint Convener” : A 3-day Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education for Faculty Members of Education / Teacher Educators |
25 | Prof. Subhasish Khanda | Attended as Participant in “A 3-Day Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education for Faculty members of Education/ Teacher Educators” |
FOE, IUT 25th July 2018 to 27th July 2018 |
26 | Prof. C. Arundhathi Bai | Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education | FOE, IUT / IUT Auditorium / 25 – 27 July 2018 |
27 | Dr. Y. Chakradhara Singh | Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education | FOE, IUT / IUT Auditorium / 25 – 27 July 2018 |
28 | Prof. Bheem Pad Mahato | Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education | FOE, IUT / IUT Auditorium / 25 – 27 July 2018 |
29 | Prof. Sanjay kumar | Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education | FOE, IUT / IUT Auditorium / 25 – 27 July 2018 |
30 | Prof. Biswajit Chakraborty | Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education | FOE, IUT / IUT Auditorium / 25 – 27 July 2018 |
31 | Prof. Dipsundar Datta | Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education | FOE, IUT / IUT Auditorium / 25 – 27 July 2018 |
32 | Dr. P S Srivastava | Orientation program for B.Ed. | FOE , ICFAI University Tripura |
33 | Dr. P S Srivastava | Orientation program for M.A. (Education.) | FOE , ICFAI University Tripura |
34 | Prof. Silali Banerjee Chakraborty | Perform as a Central Level Observer (CLO) for RCI Approved Course D.Ed.Spl. Education at AS02: Composite Regional Centre Govt. of India, PMRTBuilding Guwahati Medical College Hospital Campus, Guwahati Assam -781 032 | 18th to 23rd 2018 Assam National Board of Education, NIEPMD Channai and Rehabilitation Council Of India New Delhi |
35 | Prof. Debashis Mahato | Attend the advocacy cum alliance building to promote Inclusive education. | Organized by Executive Director of Voluntary Health Association of Tripura. On 25/06/2018. |
36 | Prof. Debashis Mahato | Training on inclusive education programme of children with special needs (cwsn)for school teachers |
Organized by : District Disability Welfare Center Venue: DDRC Conference Hall , Agartala Program Host: DDRC, on 29/05/2018 |
37 | Debashis Mahato | A 3 Day Workshop on Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education from 25/07/18 to 27/07/18 | Dept. Education at ICFAI university Tripura Auditorium. |
38 | Debashis Mahato | ADIP Camp on 13th July and Teachers Orientation programme on Inclusive Education and 14th July 2018. | National Institute of Empowerment for person with Intellectual Disability.(NIEPID) |
39 | Prof. Silali Banerjee Chakraborty | Assessment programme as professional | ICFAI University jointly collaboration by National Institute for the empowerment of persons with Intellectual Disability(Divyangian) on 11th July 18 |
40 | Orientation cum Training Programme For Aunganwadi workers as resource person | ICFAI University jointly collaboration by National Institute for the empowerment of persons with Intellectual Disability(Divyangian) on 12th July 18 | |
41 | TLM Distributioan programme atbICFAI University campus as professional | ICFAI University jointly collaboration by National Institute for the empowerment of persons with Intellectual Disability(Divyangian) on 11th July 18 | |
42 |
Prof Silali Banerjee Chakraborty |
B. Ed (Gen ) Orientation | 3.8.18 B.Ed Dept. |
43 | Prof. Tapasjit Rajkumar | PGDY & B.P Ed Orientation | 4.8.18 PGDY & B.P Ed Dept |
44 | B.Ed SEMR Orientation | 3.8.18 FoSE Dept | |
45 | 3 Days Free Yoga Awareness Camp | Ogranised by IU Tripura, from15th June to 17th June, 2018. | |
46 | 1 Day Yoga Awareness Camp at BhatiFatikchara, Mohonpur | Ogranised by IUTripura,on 17th June 2018 |
Sl No. | Name of Faculty | Conferences/workshops/training programs/ lecture programs |
Organized by Host/ Venue /Date |
1 | Prof. Abhra Mukhopadhyay, | Attended a Lecture Program | In the Department of Education, Reading Room on 12/09/2017. |
2 | Dr. Madhavi Sharma, | attended National Conference Transforming India through Inclusion of persons with Disabilities ( Divyangjan), Strengthening RPD in Schools -A Comparative Analysis of Implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) | By UNCRPD in The ICFAI University Tripura, Agartala and Mr.Rajesh Kumar Rehabilitation psychologist cum course coodinator Diya Institute of Special Education and Research, karauli , Rajasthan Co-Author. |
3 |
Prof.Silali Banerjee Chakraborty |
Transition From School To College of Secondary level Visually impaired learners | Rabindra Bharti Universityt, on 02/02/2018 |
S.No | Name of Faculty | Title of the Paper | Name of the Conference | Organized by Host/Venue/Date |
1 | Fundementals of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) focusing User Centered Design Approach. | National Workshop: Human Computer Interaction. | NIT, Agartala, 15th to 16th February, 2016. | |
Prof. Partha Sarkar | Cyber Suraksha | Workshop:Tripura Cyber Force |
IUT, Agartala, 15th October, 2015 |
ICT Based Language Translation | Workshop: CDAC Kolkata |
IUT, Agartala, 1st October, 2015 |
Computational Information processing | Workshop: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata |
IUT, Agartala, 3rd to 4th February, 2015. |
Introduction to Natural Language Processing | Workshop: Central Institute of Indian Languages, Department of Higher Education, LDC-IL |
Assam University, Silchar, Assam, 4th to 8th March,2013 |
Image Processing | Workshop: ECSU, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. |
IUT, Agartala, 14th to 15th November, 2011. |
Impact of New Trends in Information Technology Reshaping and Modifying the Worldwide Global System | International Seminar: Globalization: Its Issues and Challenges with Special References to India. | Holy Cross College, Agartala, 29-30th October, 2011. | ||
Science and Technology Education – A Shift from Theory to Practical Exposure | State level Seminar: Tripura Science Congress-“Science and Technology Education” | Tripura Science Congress, Venue: Icfai University, Tripura, 8-9th September, 2011. | ||
Information Technology | Faculty Development Program |
IUT, Agartala, 6th – 8th June, 2011 |
Teaching for Tomorrow – The Changing Role of Teachers in the Connected Classroom | National Seminar: National Seminar: Pedagogy Trends in Teaching and Learning | Faculty of Education, ICFAI University, Tripura, 4th June, 2011. | ||
ICTs in Education – Implementation and Engagement | National Seminar: Information Technology | Faculty of Management Studies, ICFAI University, Tripura, 7-8th ,April, 2011. | ||
Research Possibility in ICT in School Education of Tripura | National Seminar: Identification of Research Priorities in Tripura |
IGNOU, Agartala, Tripura, 12-13th, February, 2011 |
Modern Era - A Study of Living with Science | International Seminar: Higher Education for sustainability and Livelihood | Assam University (A Central University), Silchar, Assam, 17th December, 2010. | ||
High Impact Teaching Skills | Workshop: Dale Carnegie Training, Mission 10X, Wipro. |
TIT, Agartala, Tripura, 30th November to 4th December 2010. |
Teaching Methodology & Information Technology | Faculty Development Program |
IUT, Agartala, 31st May - 5th June, 2010. |
Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Application |
Staff Development Program, AICTE |
NIT, Agartala, 13th - 22nd November, 2009. |
Teaching Methodology & Information Technology | Faculty Development Program |
IUT, Agartala, 11th - 16th May, 2009. |
2. | Dr. Sukanta Sarkar | Socio-economic upliftment of tribal communities in Tripura through rubber plantation: A Critical Analysis | International Seminar on Natural Resources and Rural Livelihoods among Tribes in Hilly areas, in Meghalaya | Department of Geography, North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, 22-24th March 2012 |
Disaster Management in Bangladesh: Success and its Constrains | International Seminar on Population, Development and Disaster Management, in Tripura | Department of Geography & Disaster Management, Tripura University, Agartala on 8-11th February 2012 | ||
Discrimination of Disabilities in India: A Socio-legal Approach | National seminar on Human, Humanity and Discrimination in India in Uttar Pradesh (Lucknow) | All Indian Rights Organization (AIRO) & Indian Association of Social Scientists (IAOSS) on 21st March 2012 | ||
Politics and Women Rights in India: A Human Right Approach | National seminar on Women’s Rights as Human Rights in Tripura | Department of Political Science, Tripura University on 5-6th March 2012 | ||
Right to Life and Human Right: Reality vs. Myth | National Seminar on Human Rights: Violation Via-a-vis Socio-Economic System in Assam | Department of Commerce, Gurucharan College, Silchar on 6th to 7th February 2012. Presented a paper entitled “Right to Life and Human Right: Reality vs. Myth”. | ||
Problems and Challenges of Tribal’s in Hilly areas of Tripura: A Critical Analysis | National Seminar on Issues of Marginalized Tribal’s in Tripura, in Tripura | Government Degree College, Kamalpur, on 20-22 January 2012 | ||
Corruption: A hindering for economic development of India | International Conference Emerging trends in contemporary English literary world | Department of English of Holy Cross College & Tripura University” on 02-03 February, 2013 | ||
Assistance to disable people: An empirical analysis with human rights perspectives | National seminar on Women, Dalit and Human Rights in India | Department of Human Rights, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow on 8th to 9th March 2013 | ||
Assistance to disable persons: A human Rights Approach. | National seminar on Human rights in 21st century | Directorate of Distance Education, Tripura university on 2nd December 2012. | ||
Rights of persons with disabilities in India: A way of equal opportunity | National seminar on Equal opportunity in the context of social and human development with special reference to North-East India, 2012 | Desaratha Deb Memorial College, Khowai, Tripura | ||
3. | Prof. Mamoni Kalita | Finding the opportunities of different sector’s through the contribution to the State Domestic Product of North Eastern States | National seminar on Trade and Development in North East India | Tripura University , 2012 |
Evidence of convergence of income in Indian states | 2nd Natioanl Seminar on Corporate Sustainable Development, 2012 | Amity School of Business, Amity University, Noida. | ||
Role of education in women leadership | National Seminar on Changing Phases of Women Leadership, May 2012 | Tripura Univ. & AIU | ||
4. | Dr. Pratyush Banerjee | Green advertising strategies: what is visible and what is missing? | 4th International Conference on Excellence in Education and Research (CERE) 2012 | IIM Indore |
Bridging India’s digital divide- The case of rural job portal Rozgarduniya | Strategic Management Forum, 2013 | IIM Kozhikode | ||
5. | Sujit Deb | Role of Management education for sustainable livelihood in Tripura: Issue and Challenge | Higher education for sustainable livelihood, 2012 |
Excel publisher New Delhi, page no: 117-122 |
6. | Annesha Saha | E-Commerce & M-Commerce in India: Scope and Prospects | International Seminar on ‘Globalization: Its Issues and Challenges with special reference to India’, 2012 | Holy Cross College and Tripura University. |
Rural Women Entrepreneurship & Microfinance-A means for Inclusive Growth | National Seminar on Religio-Cultural Dynamics & Social Exclusion & Inclusion in India, 2012 | Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), Tripura University. | ||
Women Entrepreneurship Development through Self Help Groups | National Conference on Women Entrepreneurship in India, 2012 | Banaras Hindu University, Faculty of Management Studies, Varanasi. | ||
7. | Dr. Priyangshu Rana Borthakur | Fluorescence studies of skin and juice of lemon (Citrus lemon | UGC sponsored National Seminar Organized by Physics Department, | Darrang College, Tezpur , 30th Jan’14- 1st Feb’14 |
Fluorescence Measurements of the Seeds of the Pointed Gourd (Trichosanthes dioica) Proceedings of National Conference on Physical Sciences | National Conference on Physical Sciences, Organized by Department of Physics, DHSK College, Dibrugarh, Assam | Department of Physics, DHSK College Dibrugarh, Assam, 2014. | ||
8. | Ms. Mun Mun Das Biswas | Gender Bias is not a conscious construct in Jane Austen’s Emma | International Conference on Social Inequality and Literature | Department of Bengali, Tripura University 16 -17, January’14 |
9. | Mr. Dhananjoy Datta | Geography of Healthy and Nutrition Fodder in India | 33rdannual Conference of the Institute of Indian Geographers (IIG) & International Seminar on Population, Development & Disaster management | Department of Geography and Disaster Management, Tripura University (A Central University) Suryamaninagar -799022, Tripura, India 8-11 February, 2012 |
Biodiversity and Conservation of Fodder Plants in North-East India – With special reference to Tripura | 12th International Seminar on Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Health | Department of Life Science & Bioinformatics Assam University, Silchar-788011,Assam,India5-6 March, 2012 | ||
Socio-Politico-Economic and Cultural Transformation of Tribal Population in Tripura | National seminar on Issues of the Marginalized Tribal in Tripura | Govt. Degree College, Kamalpur, Tripura. 20-22 January, 2012 | ||
Surrogate Motherhood and Ethical Issues: A Paradigm Shift | ICPR sponsored National Seminar on Medical Ethics in India: Challenges and Prospects | Ambedkar College, Fatikroy, North Tripura, Tripura, India 9th and 10th February 2012 | ||
Innovations in Higher Education and Tribal Students in Tripura: Problems, Challenges and Prospects | National Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Management Practices | Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 17 &18 February, 2012 | ||
Strategies of Fodder marketing and female labour uses in peri-urban areas of Agartala, Tripura and Guwahati, Assam | National Seminar on Post-Harvest Management for Agricultural Development in North East India (Under DRS – II, SAP of the UGC) | Department of Economics Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh – 786 004 Assam February 23, 2012 | ||
Exploring Fodder as Opportunities of Trade and Development in North East India | National Seminar on Opportunities of Trade and Development in North East India (Under UGC-SAP –DRS-I) | Department of Economics, Tripura University,Tripura 20th March, 2012 | ||
Equal Opportunity in the context of Social and Human Development for women in fodder farming activities | UGC sponsored National Seminar on Equal Opportunity in the context of Social and Human Development (with special reference to North-East India) | Equal Opportunity Centre Dasaratha Deb Memorial College,Khowai,Tripura – 799201 13-14 July 2012 | ||
10. | Mr. Sudip Bhattacharjee | Identification of Research Priorities in developing an economically viable Medicinal Plant Industry in Tripura. | Regional Seminar on Identification of Research Priorities in Tripura. | IGNOU, Agartala , 2012 |
Enhancement in Quality of Judgment and Delivery in Indian Judiciary by application of Information Technology. | Regional Seminar ICFAI University Tripura on “Information and Communication Technology” | ICFAI University Tripura, Kamalghat, 2012. | ||
Potential Role of Information Technology in developing the Indian Judiciary System – a Service Marketing View. | National Seminar organized at Holy Cross College Agartala on Changing Role of Indian Judiciary | Holy Cross College Agartala, 2012. | ||
11. | Mr. Abhijit Biswas | Achieving equal opportunity for socio-economic backward class peoples through ICT | National Seminar on Equal Opportunity in the context of Social and Human Development (with special reference to North-East India) | Dasaratha Deb Memorial College, Khowai,Tripura |